Individual Income E-File Guide And Specifications Forms - Virginia Department Of Taxation - 2015 Page 15


Transmission Requirements
If the Department accepts the e-filed return, the Transmitter must notify the taxpayer of the following:
The date the transmission was accepted
The Submission ID
If the Department rejects the e-filed return, the Transmitter must notify the taxpayer of the following:
The date the transmission was rejected and what the reject code(s) mean;
Steps to take to correct the errors; and
The taxpayer must file a timely paper return:
o if the electronic return cannot be corrected and retransmitted to the Department, or
o if the Virginia Tax Department cannot accept the return for processing.
A Transmitter that receives returns from an Intermediate Service Provider for Online Filing must adhere to the
same requirements as a Transmitter that transmits ERO returns received from Intermediate Service Providers.
Additional Requirements for Transmitters Participating in Online Filing
Transmitters participating in Online Filing must follow all of the above requirements and also must:
Ensure the transmission includes the assigned Online Filing EFIN in the appropriate field;
Ensure that the ISP’s EFIN is included in the electronic return data, when applicable;
Assign a Submission ID to each taxpayer’s return and include it in the e-filed transmission;
Notify the taxpayer of the return’s status electronically within two business days of retrieving the
acknowledgement file or by mail within one business day of retrieving the acknowledgement file;
Provide the Internet Protocol Information (Address, Date, Time and Time Zone of the computer used to
Include the “Online” in the “Originator Type Code” schema element.
PDF – Binary Attachments
Virginia requires certain supporting documentation to be sent as PDF attachments. All PDF attachments must
be listed in the binary attachment portion of the return. The referenceDocumentId attribute must be used to
link the attachment to the appropriate location on the return.
Users must:
either have a scanner that allows them to scan documents into a PDF file; or
have another tool that allows them to save a Word / Excel file into a PDF.
Approved e-file tax preparation software must
provide the necessary instructions for creating, scanning or exporting documents in PDF format; and
submit these documents as attachments that are required by Virginia.
Names and Descriptions for PDFs
For all PDF attachments, the preparation software must provide the taxpayer the ability to enter a meaningful
description. Virginia requires a separate PDF file and referenceDocumentId for each attachment.
For example, if three out-of-state returns are needed, each out of state return attachment is required to be sent
in a separate PDF file with a separate referenceDocumentId. The same applies to Credits on Schedule CR
that require PDF attachments.
A missing document letter requesting the document in paper format will be sent out to the users if the PDF
attachment(s) are missing or are not properly attached (via its referenceDocumentId) to the Virginia Return,
including the Reference Document ID.
Individual Income e-File Guide – Tax Year 2015
Rev. 10/26/15
Page 14


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