Application For Permission To Fell/cut Tree(S) - City Of Astoria Engineering Department Page 2


This is a permit to fell/cut __________ tree(s) from Lot (s) __________ Block (s) _______________
Addition _______________, to the City of Astoria to the City of Astoria and to fell/cut ______ tree(s)
from _________________________ Street(s) in the City of Astoria.
Tree(s) to be felled/cut in a careful manner under the supervision and responsibility of the applicant
and as specified by the City Engineer. Applicant is to remove within _____ days of cutting all such
felled/cut tree(s) and all resulting debris from such City property, Streets or Alleys and to hold the City
of Astoria harmless from any and all damages or claims of damages as a result of such felling or
cutting. Permit expires December 31
of dated year. Permit may be revoked at any time with notice.
All ordinances of the City of Astoria shall be complied with*.
Signature of Applicant:
Conditions Accepted and Approved
Permit Approved by: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________
*Astoria Code 2.500 Permit for Removing Trees from Unopened City Right-of-Way
1. Prior to removing trees from unopened city rights-of-way, the owner of the underlying fee shall obtain a permit for the
city engineer. In granting a permit, the city engineer shall make a written finding that one of the following criteria exists:
(a) Necessity to remove tree(s) which pose a safety hazard;
(b) Necessity to remove diseased tree(s) weakened by age, storm, fire, or other injury;
(c) Need for solar access, or the obtaining of views which cannot be accomplished by pruning;
(d) Commercial harvesting is appropriate and removal of the trees poses no threat to the physical integrity of the right-of-
way or adjacent property;
(e) Necessity of the owner of the underlying fee to temporarily use a portion of the right-of-way for purpose of access to
their property.
2. A denial of a permit may be appealed to the city council if notice of such appeal is filed with the finance director within
15 days of the date of denial.
**City of Astoria Administrative Practice Tree Removal Policy on City Property
Section 1.01 – Purpose
This administrative practice defines the practice and procedures to be used in cutting trees on City property.
Section 1.02 – Dangerous Trees
Removal of dangerous trees will be a staff decision.
Section 1.03 – Other Trees
Proposed removal of any tree or trees, other than dangerous trees, will be placed on the agenda of a City Council meeting
for City Council consideration.
\\CH3\PublicWorks\General Eng\PERMITS\Permit Forms\TREE CUT CITY PROPERTY PERMIT.doc


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