Instructions For Form 8038-G - Information Return For Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations - Internal Revenue Service - 2011 Page 3


Part III—Description of
principal, interest, or call premium on any
the conditions of the private business
other issue of bonds after 90 days of the
tests or the private loan financing test to
date of issue, including proceeds that will
be met, then such issue is also an issue
Line 21. For column (a), the final
be used to fund an escrow account for
of private activity bonds. Regulations
maturity date is the last date the issuer
this purpose.
section 1.141-2(d)(3) defines a deliberate
must redeem the entire issue.
action as any action taken by the issuer
Part V—Description of
that is within its control regardless of
For column (b), see Issue price under
Refunded Bonds
whether there is intent to violate such
Definitions earlier.
Complete this part only if the bonds are to
tests. Regulations section 1.141-12
For column (c), the stated redemption
be used to refund a prior issue of
explains the conditions to taking remedial
price at maturity of the entire issue is the
tax-exempt bonds. For a lease or
action that prevent an action that causes
sum of the stated redemption prices at
installment sale, write “N/A” in the space
an issue to meet the private business
maturity of each bond issued as part of
to the right of the title for Part V.
tests or private loan financing test from
the issue. For a lease or installment sale,
being treated as a deliberate action.
Lines 31 and 32. The remaining
write “N/A” in column (c).
Check the box if the issuer has
weighted average maturity is determined
For column (d), the weighted average
established written procedures to ensure
without regard to the refunding. The
maturity is the sum of the products of the
timely remedial action for all nonqualified
weighted average maturity is determined
issue price of each maturity and the
bonds according to Regulations section
in the same manner as on line 21, column
number of years to maturity (determined
1.141-12 or other remedial actions
separately for each maturity and by taking
authorized by the Commissioner under
Line 34. If more than a single issue of
into account mandatory redemptions),
Regulations section 1.141-12(h).
bonds will be refunded, enter the date of
divided by the issue price of the entire
Line 44. Check the box if the issuer has
issue of each issue. Enter the date in an
issue (from line 21, column (b)). For a
established written procedures to monitor
MM/DD/YYYY format.
lease or installment sale, enter instead
compliance with the arbitrage, yield
the total number of years the lease or
Part VI—Miscellaneous
restriction, and rebate requirements of
installment sale will be outstanding.
section 148.
Line 35. An allocation of volume cap is
For column (e), the yield, as defined in
required if the nonqualified amount for the
Line 45a. Check the box if some part of
section 148(h), is the discount rate that,
issue is more than $15 million but is not
the proceeds was used to reimburse
when used to compute the present value
more than the amount that would cause
expenditures. Figure and then enter the
of all payments of principal and interest to
the issue to be private activity bonds.
amount of proceeds that are used to
be paid on the obligation, produces an
reimburse the issuer for amounts paid for
Line 36. If any portion of the gross
amount equal to the purchase price,
a qualified purpose prior to the issuance
proceeds of the issue is or will be
including accrued interest. See
of the bonds. See Regulations section
invested in a guaranteed investment
Regulations section 1.148-4 for specific
contract (GIC), as defined in Regulations
rules to compute the yield on an issue. If
section 1.148-1(b), enter the amount of
the issue is a variable rate issue, write
Line 45b. An issuer must adopt an
the gross proceeds so invested, as well
“VR” as the yield of the issue. For other
official intent to reimburse itself for
as the final maturity date of the GIC and
than variable rate issues, carry the yield
preissuance expenditures within 60 days
the name of the provider of such contract.
out to four decimal places (for example,
after payment of the original expenditure
5.3125%). If the issue is a lease or
Line 37. Enter the amount of the
unless excepted by Regulations section
installment sale, enter the effective rate of
1.150-2(f). Enter the date the official
proceeds of this issue used to make a
interest being paid.
intent was adopted. See Regulations
loan to another governmental unit, the
section 1.150-2(e) for more information
interest of which is tax-exempt.
Part IV—Uses of Proceeds of
about official intent.
Line 38. If the issue is a loan of
Bond Issue
proceeds from another tax-exempt issue,
Signature and Consent
For a lease or installment sale, write “N/A”
check the box and enter the date of issue,
in the space to the right of the title for Part
An authorized representative of the issuer
EIN, and name of issuer of the master
must sign Form 8038-G and any
pool obligation.
applicable certification. Also print the
Line 22. Enter the amount of proceeds
Line 40. Check this box if the issue is a
name and title of the person signing Form
that will be used to pay interest from the
construction issue and an irrevocable
8038-G. The authorized representative of
date the bonds are dated to the date of
election to pay a penalty in lieu of
the issuer signing this form must have the
arbitrage rebate has been made on or
authority to consent to the disclosure of
Line 24. Enter the amount of the
before the date the bonds were issued.
the issuer’s return information, as
proceeds that will be used to pay bond
The penalty is payable with a Form
necessary to process this return, to the
issuance costs, including fees for trustees
8038-T for each 6-month period after the
person(s) that have been designated in
and bond counsel. If no bond proceeds
date the bonds are issued. Do not make
Form 8038-G.
will be used to pay bond issuance costs,
any payment of penalty in lieu of arbitrage
Note. If the issuer in Part 1, lines 3a and
enter zero. Do not leave this line blank.
rebate with this form. See Rev. Proc.
3b authorizes the IRS to communicate
Line 25. Enter the amount of the
92-22, 1992-1 C.B. 736 for rules
(including in writing and by telephone)
proceeds that will be used to pay fees for
regarding the “election document.”
with a person other than an officer or
credit enhancement that are taken into
Line 41a. Check this box if the issuer
other employee of the issuer, by signing
account in determining the yield on the
has identified a hedge on its books and
this form, the issuer’s authorized
issue for purposes of section 148(h) (for
records according to Regulations sections
representative consents to the disclosure
example, bond insurance premiums and
1.148-4(h)(2)(viii) and 1.148-4(h)(5) that
of the issuer’s return information, as
certain fees for letters of credit).
permit an issuer of tax-exempt bonds to
necessary to process this return, to such
Line 26. Enter the amount of proceeds
identify a hedge for it to be included in
that will be allocated to such a fund.
yield calculations for computing arbitrage.
Paid Preparer
Line 27. Enter the amount of the
Line 42. In determining if the issuer has
proceeds that will be used to pay
super-integrated a hedge, apply the rules
If an authorized officer of the issuer filled
of Regulations section 1.148-4(h)(4). If
principal, interest, or call premium on any
in this return, the paid preparer’s space
the hedge is super-integrated, check the
other issue of bonds within 90 days of the
should remain blank. Anyone who
date of issue.
prepares the return but does not charge
Line 28. Enter the amount of the
Line 43. If the issuer takes a “deliberate
the organization should not sign the
proceeds that will be used to pay
action” after the issue date that causes
return. Certain others who prepare the


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