Dental Change Form - Arkansas Blue Cross And Blue Shield Page 3


I UNDeRSTAND: (1) This application may be rejected. (2) If accepted, the insurance applied for shall
not become effective until the date shown on my schedule of benefits and the adjusted premium,
if applicable, is paid in full. (3) If my application is accepted relying on my representations on this
document, any coverage which may be issued to me shall be invalid if based on false information. (4)
My signature authorizes Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield to coordinate benefits under this policy
with other insurance I have which is subject to coordination. (5) Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
may phone me for additional information that may help with the timely processing of my application. In
signing below, I: represent that the statements and answers given in this application and any signed and
dated addendum to this application are true, complete and correctly recorded.
I certify that I signed this application in the state of Arkansas.
Any person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly pres-
ents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines and confine-
ment in prison.
SIGNATURE SECTION (Please sign appropriate line only)
Current Policyholder
Date Signed
Parent/Legal Guardian's
(if policy for a minor)
Date Signed
New Policyholder
(required if applying)
For Home Office Use Only (Do not write in this space.)
Page 3
Non-Under DentalChgFm (R01/12)


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