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Property Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Tenant agrees to be responsible for, at Tenant’s expense, stoppage of sewage services due to Tenant’s misuse of same,
and for broken pipes due to freezing (if a water cut-off has been provided).
Tenant agrees to be responsible for ordinary maintenance such as changing of air-conditioning filters and repairing damaged
air-conditioners due to lack of filters, clogged filters, dirty coils, and/or an obstruction around the air-conditioning unit.
Tenant agrees that they will properly operate all appliances and mechanical equipment.
m. Tenant agrees that they will not stack or lay firewood or logs of any kind in close proximity to the house
Tenant has received instruction on the care and operation of smoke detector, and has an understanding of how to operate and
care for the smoke detector. Tenant agrees to test the smoke detector at least once a week. If the detector is battery powered,
Tenant agrees to replace the battery as needed. After replacing the battery, if the smoke detector still does not work, Tenant
agrees to inform Owner/Owner’s Broker immediately in writing. If the detector is not battery powered, Tenant agrees to inform
Owner/Owner’s Broker immediately of any malfunction.
Tenant may install carbon monoxide detector(s). If detector(s) is battery operated, Tenant agrees to test the detector(s) once a
week and replace batteries as needed.
No more than ____________ motor vehicles may be kept on or near the Premises. No motor coach, trailer, camper, boat,
or other recreational vehicles shall be parked on or near the Premises. No commercial vehicles in excess of ¾ tons may be
parked on or near the Premises. Tenant shall not perform vehicular repairs on, in, or in front of the Premises. Vehicles shall
not be parked, repaired, or washed on the lawn. Vehicles leaking fluids, oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, gasoline, and battery
chemicals shall not be allowed on the Premises. Inoperative and unregistered vehicles shall not be parked on, in, or in front of
Premises. Tenant agrees to pay for towing of any vehicle that is in violation of this paragraph.
The cold winter season requires special precautionary measures for maintaining the property. In order to prepare you for sudden
changes that are bound to occur each year, please read the following suggestions carefully:
Monitor local weather reports for freeze warnings.
2. Leave the heat on at all times. If you are away from the Premises for an extended time, do not leave the thermostat
under 60 degrees.
3. If the forecast calls for temperatures of 25 degrees or lower, open all sink and vanity cabinets in your home. This will
allow warm air to circulate around the pipes. Open hot and cold faucets enough to allow the water to drip continuously.
4. Remove all hoses from outside faucets.
5. Become familiar with your nearest water cut-off valve in case of emergency.
All lawns and foundations must be watered in the winter as well as the summer, unless the local area has received sufficient to
excessive moisture. Be sure plants, shrubs, and the foundation continue to receive water during the winter season.
Address all maintenance requests to:
The undersigned Tenant(s) acknowledges having read and understood the above and agree to comply with the Tenancy
Tenant ___________________________________________
Dated: __________________________________________
Tenant ___________________________________________
Dated: __________________________________________
Tenant ___________________________________________
Dated: __________________________________________
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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