Tenancy Guidelines Form 2014

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This is a legally binding Contract; if not understood, seek advice from an attorney.
Tenant shall be responsible for the following items and for other Tenant damage not listed below:
a. Keeping the Premises clean and sanitary inside and out, and in good order and condition.
b. Watering, mowing, edging, trimming shrubs, and weeding flowerbeds as required for proper care and maintenance.
Neither defacing nor damaging the walls, woodwork, or any part of the Premises.
d. Immediately reporting to Owner/Owner’s Broker items needing repair.
e. Paying Owner/Owner’s Broker upon demand for damage to Premises because of failure to report a problem in a timely manner.
Paying Owner/Owner’s Broker upon demand for cost to repair, replace, or rebuild any portion of the Premises damaged
whether through act or negligence by the Tenant, Tenant’s guest, or invitees.
g. Paying Owner/Owner’s Broker upon demand for damage caused by rain or wind because of leaving windows or doors
open, or lawn hoses left connected resulting in freezing damage.
h. No Smoking: Tenant agrees that smoking in the Premises is not permitted, and should smoke damage occur due to
Tenant, Tenant’s employees, or Tenant’s visitors smoking within the dwelling, agrees to pay the cost of having Premises
painted, walls washed, interior deodorized, and carpets and draperies professionally cleaned, and any other cost to
repair smoke damage.
Locks: If Tenant changes the locks, Tenant shall furnish the keys to Owner/Owner’s Broker within five (5) days, or pay
the cost of a locksmith to make a set of keys. All keys and garage door openers must be returned the day of vacating the
Premises. If Tenant fails to return the keys and garage door openers (in working order), Tenant agrees to pay the cost to
re-key the Premises and to replace garage door openers.
Window Coverings: Owner/Owner’s Broker shall provide window coverings on most windows. Tenant may hang
draperies or drapery hardware on any sheet rocked/painted walls. Only tension-type rods are to be used on any windows
or walls where wallpaper or wood trim exists, and no aluminum foil or sun screening film is permitted.
Security System: If the leased property contains a security system, monitoring is optional. Should Tenant choose to
have the system monitored, Tenant is responsible for set up, obtaining the proper permit (if required) and payment of the
service. Tenant is also responsible for payment of any false alarm penalties.
Antennas: no radio or television wires, antennas, or satellite dishes are allowed in or about the Premises without written
permission of the Owner/Owner’s Broker.
Tenant shall be responsible for the following:
a. Maintaining hardwood floors as follows: _______________________________________________________________
b. Changing the furnace/air conditioner filter at least once every two (2) months.
Replacing burned out light bulbs: Incandescent, compact fluorescent (CFL) or fluorescent.
d. Any breaking, damaging, destruction and/or soiling caused by acts of the Tenant or by Tenant’s employees, agents, visitors
or pets. In the event of vandalism or burglary, Tenant agrees to pay all repair costs, regardless of the circumstances of
breakage, unless Tenant, at Tenant’s expense, supplies Owner/Owner’s Broker with a copy of the police report.
e. Exterminating ant, rodents, fleas, cockroaches, spiders, and other insects and pests.
Using plunger on clogged toilets and drains before calling Owner/Owner’s Broker.
g. Paying Owner/Owner’s Broker upon demand for unnecessary worker service calls.
h. Under no circumstances is Tenant to perform any electrical, gas line, or water line repairs.
Tenant agrees to pay a trip charge of $_____________ in the event of a breach of this Lease Agreement requiring a trip
to the Premises by the Owner/Owner’s Broker.
This form was created by the Oklahoma Real Estate Contract Form Committee and approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission.
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