Medical History Form Page 2


3. Personal Habits
Tobacco Use
Cigarettes:  Never  Quit-Date______  Current Smoker-Packs per day___ # of years___
Other tobacco:  Pipe
 Cigar
 Snuff
 Chew
Are you interested in quitting?
 Yes
 No
Alcohol Use
Do you drink alcohol?
 No
 Yes, average # of drinks per week_____
If no, have you in the past?
 Yes
 No
Drug Use
Do you use any recreational drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, stimulants, narcotics, diet pills?
 Yes
 No
Have you ever used needles?
 Yes
 No.
Are you sexually active?
 Yes
 No
 Not currently
If sexually active, do you practice safe sex?  Yes
 No
Birth control method________________
Have you ever had any sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)?  Yes
 No
If yes, please include___________________________________________________________
Do you exercise regularly?
 Yes
 No
If yes, what type of exercises?____________________________________________________
In the past year, have you had 2 weeks or more during which you felt sad, blue, or depressed;
or when you lost interest or pleasure in things that you usually enjoyed?
 Yes
 No
4. Medications
Please list all your current medications, including medications/supplements not needing a prescription:
Dose and Directions
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
5. Allergies
Please list any allergies or reactions to medications:
Reaction or Side Effect
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________
___________________________________ ______________________________________________


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