Patient Medical History Form Page 2


Record of Privacy Practice Notifications
I certify that I have been offered a copy of the office’s Notice of Privacy Practices at my visit today:
Patient/ Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Only one signature per visit is required.
I certify that I have been offered a copy of the office’s Notice of Privacy Practices at my visit today:
Patient/ Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Only one signature per visit is required.
I certify that I have been offered a copy of the office’s Notice of Privacy Practices at my visit today:
Patient/ Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Only one signature per visit is required.
I certify that I have been offered a copy of the office’s Notice of Privacy Practices at my visit today:
Patient/ Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Only one signature per visit is required.
I certify that I have been offered a copy of the office’s Notice of Privacy Practices at my visit today:
Patient/ Legal Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Only one signature per visit is required.
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