Instructions For Form 8038-Cp - Return For Credit Payments To Issuers Of Qualified Bonds - Internal Revenue Service Page 4


would have been payable under such
For more information, see Notices
other than an officer of the issuer as a
bond on such date if such interest were
2009-26 and 2010-35.
contact person for the IRS to call for more
determined at the applicable tax credit
information, by signing this return the
Line 23. Check “Yes” or “No.” Check
bond rate determined under section
issuer’s authorized representative
“Yes” if the requested payment is the final
consents to the disclosure of the issuer’s
payment of interest with respect to the
return information to such person, as
For specified tax credit bonds enter the
bond issue. The final payment of interest
necessary to process the refundable
amount of the requested credit payment
is the last payment of interest prior to, or
credit payment.
as follows:
in conjunction with, the maturity or
Line 20c — new clean renewable
redemption of the issue. If a box is not
Paid Preparer
energy bonds, enter the lesser of 100% of
checked, credit payments may be
If an authorized officer of the issuer filled
line 19a or 70% of line 19c,
in this return, the paid preparer block
Line 20d — qualified energy
Line 24. If the issuer completed Part I
should remain blank. Anyone who
conservation bonds, enter the lesser of
authorizing another entity (for example, a
prepares the return but does not charge
100% of line 19a or 70% of line 19c,
trustee bank) to receive the requested
the issuer should not sign the return.
Line 20e — qualified zone academy
refundable credit payment on its behalf,
Certain others who prepare the return
bonds, enter 100% of the lesser of lines
check this box.
should not sign. For example, a regular,
19a or 19c, and
Line 25. Complete lines 25a through 25c
full-time employee of the organization,
Line 20f — qualified school construction
if you want the amount shown on line 22
such as a clerk, secretary, etc., should
bonds, enter 100% of the lesser of lines
directly deposited into your checking or
not sign.
19a or 19c.
savings account. Otherwise, we will send
Generally, anyone who is paid to
Note. You may not have more than one
a check to the entity listed in Part I.
prepare a return must sign it and fill in the
entry on lines 20a, 20b, 20c, 20d, 20e,
other blanks in the Paid Preparer’s Use
The IRS is not responsible for a
and 20f.
Only area of the return.
lost credit payment if you enter the
If the amount shown on lines 20a, 20b,
wrong account information. Check
The paid preparer must:
20c, 20d, 20e, and 20f does not equal the
with your financial institution to get the
Sign the return in the space provided
amount of the credit payment shown on
correct ACH (Automated Clearing
for the preparer’s signature,
the debt service schedule attached to the
House) routing and account numbers and
Enter the preparer information, and
information return for the bonds filed
to make sure your direct deposit will be
Give a copy of the return to the issuer.
separately with the IRS (Form 8038-TC or
Form 8038-B), please attach an
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction
If the direct deposit to your account is
explanation and write across the top,
Act Notice. We ask for the information
different from the amount you expected,
“Explanation for difference in scheduled
on this form to carry out the Internal
you will receive an explanation in the mail
credit payment.” For variable rate bonds,
Revenue laws of the United States. You
about 2 weeks after your credit payment
no explanation is required.
are required to give us the information.
is deposited.
Lines 21a and 21b. Lines 21a and 21b
We need it to ensure that you are
Line 25a. The routing number must be
are available to correct prior mistakes
complying with these laws. Section 6109
nine digits. The first two digits must be 01
with respect to credit payments related to
requires paid preparers to provide their
through 12 or 21 through 32. Otherwise,
prior filings of Form 8038-CP for the
identifying number.
the direct deposit will be rejected and a
respective issue.
You are not required to provide the
check will be sent instead. If the entity
If a prior credit payment amount was
information requested on a form that is
listed in Part I is not the issuer (such as a
received that was less than the correct
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
trustee bank), ask that entity for the
amount, then enter the amount on line
unless the form displays a valid OMB
correct routing number. (See Where the
21a that relates to the corresponding
control number. Books or records relating
Requested Payment Will Be Sent.)
increase to this payment request.
to a form or its instructions must be
If a prior credit payment amount was
Line 25b. Check the appropriate box for
retained as long as their contents may
received that exceeded the correct
the type of account. Do not check more
become material in the administration of
amount for that payment, then enter the
than one box. If unknown, leave blank.
any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
amount on line 21b that relates to the
Line 25c. The account number can be
returns and return information are
corresponding decrease to this payment
up to 17 characters (both numbers and
confidential, as required by section 6103.
letters). Include hyphens but omit spaces
The time needed to complete and file
If there are both increase and decrease
and special symbols. Enter the number
this form will vary depending on individual
adjustments related to multiple prior
from left to right and leave any unused
circumstances. The estimated average
payments, then net the amounts and
boxes blank.
time is:
include the corresponding amount in
Signature and Consent
either line 21a or 21b as appropriate.
Recordkeeping . . . . . . . . .
6 hr., 13 min.
An officer of the issuer with authority to
If any amount is entered on either line
Learning about the law or the
bind the issuer must sign Form 8038-CP
form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 min.
21a or 21b, attach an explanation and
and any applicable certification. If the
Preparing, copying,
write across the top, “Explanation for
entity listed in Part I is not the issuer, the
assembling, and sending the
Adjustment - Line 21a/21b” as to how the
authority of the person signing this return
form to the IRS . . . . . . . . . .
18 min.
error occurred and what steps were taken
must include the authority to bind the
to prevent similar errors from recurring. If
If you have comments concerning the
issuer, the authority to request that the
an explanation is not attached, credit
accuracy of these time estimates or
IRS send the refundable credit payment
payment may be delayed.
suggestions for making this form simpler,
to the entity identified in Part I, and the
Line 22. Enter the amount of the credit
we would be happy to hear from you. You
authority to consent to the disclosure of
payment to be received. Combine the
can write to the Internal Revenue Service,
return information necessary to process
amount in line 20a, 20b, 20c, 20d, 20e, or
Tax Products Coordinating Committee,
the refundable credit payment to the
20f with the amount in either line 21a or
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution
designated contact person(s) listed in
21b, as applicable.
Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC
Parts I and II on Form 8038-CP, as
Note. If an amount of the credit payment
20224. Do not send the form to this
applicable. Also print the name and title of
requested is required to be offset against
address. Instead, see Where To File on
the person signing Form 8038-CP.
other outstanding taxes or obligations,
page 2.
Note. If the issuer designates on line 5
then the credit payment to be received
of Part I or line 15 of Part II a person
could be less than the amount on line 22.


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