Instructions For Form 8038-Cp - Return For Credit Payments To Issuers Of Qualified Bonds - Internal Revenue Service Page 3


name and title, and on line 6, the phone
for the bond issue. For specified tax credit
interest payable on a single bond issue
number of the designated contact person
bonds with a single maturity, the CUSIP
and the amount of interest allocable to a
for the entity named in Part I that is to
number should be identical to the CUSIP
single bond type (build America bond,
receive payment of the credit (such as an
number listed on Form 8038-TC, Part I,
recovery zone economic development
employee of the trustee bank) that the
line 9, filed for the bond issue. For
bond, or a single type of specified tax
IRS may call for more information. If the
specified tax credit bonds with multiple
credit bond). Issuers of specified tax
issuer is the entity listed in Part I, enter on
maturities, the CUSIP number should be
credit bonds with multiple maturities must
line 5 the name and title, and on line 6,
the CUSIP for the corresponding maturity
file a separate Form 8038-CP for each
the phone number of the designated
reported on this form. If the bond issue
bond maturity. Such issuers should enter
contact person (such as an officer of the
was not publicly offered and there is no
the amount of interest payable on a single
issuer, the legal representative of the
assigned CUSIP number, write “None.”
maturity on the interest payment date.
issuer, or the paid preparer) whom the
(See What To File.)
Lines 15 and 16. If the issuer is not the
IRS may call for more information.
Note. Credit payments are not allowed
entity listed in Part I, enter the name, title,
Note. If the issuer on line 5 authorizes
for preissuance accrued interest.
and phone number of the officer of the
the IRS to call a person other than an
issuer or other person (including legal
Line 19b. For specified tax credit bonds
officer of the issuer for more information,
representative or paid preparer) whom
only, enter the applicable credit rate. The
by signing this return the issuer’s
the IRS may call for more information. If
applicable credit rate is the daily tax credit
authorized representative consents to the
the issuer is the entity listed in Part I,
bond rate set by the Secretary under
disclosure of issuer’s return information to
leave lines 15 and 16 blank.
section 54A(b)(3) determined as of the
such person, as necessary to process this
Note. If the issuer authorizes, on line 15,
first day on which there is a binding
the IRS to call a person other than an
written contract for the sale or exchange
officer of the issuer for more information,
of the bond. Carry the percent out to two
Part II—Reporting Authority
by signing this form the issuer’s
decimal places, do not round (for
Part II should be completed in full if the
authorized representative consents to the
example, 10.74%). Such rate is published
issuer authorized the IRS to pay the
disclosure of the issuer’s return
by the Bureau of Public Debt on its
requested refundable credit payment to
information to such person, as necessary
internet site for State and Local
another entity on its behalf (for example,
to process this return.
Government Series Securities at
a trustee bank). See Notice 2009-15,
Line 17a. For build America bonds and
Lines 7 and 8. If the issuer’s name is
which is on page 449 of Internal Revenue
recovery zone economic development
the same as line 1, enter “SAME” and
Bulletin 2009-6 at
bonds, check the type of issue that was
skip lines 8, 9, 11, 15, and 16. If the
identified in Part III, Purpose of Issue, of
issuer’s name is not the same as line 1,
Line 19c. For specified tax credit bonds
Form 8038-B, for example, education,
enter the name, EIN, and complete
only, enter the amount of interest payable
health and hospital, transportation, public
address of the issuer of the bond issue.
to the holders of the bonds on the interest
safety, environment (including sewage
For build America bonds and recovery
payment date calculated using the
bonds), housing, utilities, or other (with
zone economic development bonds the
applicable credit rate in the box on line
description). Do not check more than one
issuer’s name and EIN should be identical
19b. Issuers of specified tax credit bonds
type of issue; if the issuance is
to the name and EIN listed on Form
with multiple maturities should enter the
multipurpose, check the type of issue that
8038-B, Part I, lines 1 and 2 filed with
amount of interest payable to the holders
is the largest portion of the issue price.
respect to the bond issue. For specified
of the bonds on the interest payment date
Line 17b. For build America bonds and
tax credit bonds, the issuer’s name and
calculated using the applicable credit rate
recovery zone economic development
EIN should be identical to the name and
in the box on line 19b for the single
bonds, also enter the total issue price for
EIN listed on Form 8038-TC, Part I, lines
maturity they are reporting on this Form
the bond listed on Form 8038-B, Part III,
1 and 2 filed with respect to the bond
8038-CP under line 19a.
line 3 filed for the bond issue. For
Lines 20a and 20b. For build America
specified tax credit bonds, also enter the
Line 10. This line is for IRS use only. Do
bonds and recovery zone economic
total issue price for the bond listed on
not make any entries in this box.
development bonds enter the amount of
Form 8038-TC, Part III, line I filed for the
Line 12. Enter the issue date of the bond
the requested credit payment relating to
bond issue.
issue. For build America bonds and
the interest paid on the interest payment
Line 17c. Check the box that applies to
recovery zone economic development
date. The amount reported on line 20a
the bonds of the issue for which this
bonds, the issue date should be identical
must equal 35% of the amount reported
return is submitted.
to the issue date listed on Form 8038-B,
on line 19a or the amount on line 20b
Part I, line 7. For specified tax credit
Do not leave lines 12, 13, 14, 17a,
must equal 45% of the amount reported
bonds, the issue date should be identical
17b, and 17c blank. If these lines
on line 19a.
to the issue date listed on Form 8038-TC,
are left blank it will delay
For specified tax credit bonds the
Part I, line 7.
processing of this return.
amount of the refundable credit payment
Line 13. Enter the name of the bond
Part III—Payment of Credit
allowed under section 6431(f) for qualified
issue. The name of the bond issue should
zone academy bonds and qualified school
Line 18. Enter the interest payment date
be identical to the name listed on Form
construction bonds is the lesser of 100%
to which the requested refundable credit
8038-B, Part I, line 8, filed with respect to
of the amount of interest payable under
payment relates. An interest payment
the bond issue. If the bond issue is not
the bond on such interest payment date
date is the date on which interest is
named write “None.” For specified tax
or 100% of the amount of interest which
payable by the issuer to the holders of the
credit bonds, the name of the bond issue
would have been payable under such
bonds. (For a variable rate issue, enter
should be identical to the name listed on
bond on such date if such interest were
the last interest payment date applicable
Form 8038-TC, Part I, line 8, filed with
determined at the applicable tax credit
to the quarterly period to which this return
respect to the bond issue.
bond rate determined under section
relates.) For certain variable rate bonds
Line 14. Enter the Committee on
54A(b)(3). For new clean renewable
the remarketing date or the date the
Uniform Securities Identification
energy bonds and qualified energy
interest rate is reset may not be the same
Procedures (CUSIP) number on the bond
conservation bonds, the amount of the
date the interest is paid.
with the latest maturity. For build America
refundable credit payment allowed under
bonds and recovery zone economic
Line 19a. Enter the amount of interest
6431(f) is the lesser of 100% of the
development bonds, the CUSIP number
payable to the holders of the bonds on
amount of interest payable under the
should be identical to the CUSIP number
the interest payment date. The amount
bond on such interest payment date or
listed on Form 8038-B, Part I, line 9, filed
entered on line 19a can only relate to the
70% of the amount of interest which


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