Instructions For Form 8038-Cp - Return For Credit Payments To Issuers Of Qualified Bonds - Internal Revenue Service Page 2


Note. Issuers of specified tax credit
credit bonds are required to submit this
The amended return must provide all
revised Form 8038-CP to request
bonds must report on Form 8038-TC. The
the information reported on the original
payment of a refundable credit. Revised
IRS will not be able to process the related
return, in addition to the new or corrected
Form 8038-CP will be processed on
subsidy payment request submitted on
information. Attach an explanation of the
receipt for build America bonds and
Form 8038-CP, unless Form 8038-TC is
reason for the amended return and write
recovery zone economic development
filed for these bonds. Issuers that have
across the top, “Amended Return
bonds. Processing of the revised Form
filed Form 8038, Information Return for
8038-CP submitted for specified tax credit
Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond Issues,
Note. Do not check the Amended Return
bonds will begin no later than July 12,
for an issue of specified tax credit bonds
box if you are correcting prior filings of
2010. The IRS will make timely
must refile on Form 8038-TC prior to filing
Form 8038-CP by using lines 21a or 21b.
refundable credit payments with respect
the initial Form 8038-CP for these bonds.
Any corrections to Part III must be
to bond interest payment dates on
corrected by using the net adjustment
Rounding to Whole Dollars
specified tax credit bonds that are on or
lines 21a or 21b. Such corrections must
after September 1, 2010. Issuers of
You may show amounts on this return as
only be submitted on a subsequent Form
specified tax credit bonds with interest
whole dollars. To do so, drop amounts
8038-CP filed to request a credit
payment dates prior to September 1,
less than 50 cents and increase amounts
payment. An amended return should only
2010, see Notice 2010-35 for more
from 50 cents through 99 cents to the
be filed:
next higher dollar.
1. To correct information in Parts I
and II for Form 8038-CP, or
Where To File
Where the Requested Payment
2. If you previously filed a final return
Will Be Sent
File Form 8038-CP with the Department
and need to make subsequent corrections
of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service
The credit payment on line 22 will be sent
to lines 21a or 21b only, then you should
Center, Ogden, UT 84201-0050.
by check to the entity that is to receive
check the Amended Return box.
payment listed in Part I at the address
Private delivery services. You can use
Line 1. Enter the name of the entity to
designated in Part I, unless the issuer has
certain private delivery services
which the requested refundable credit
elected to have the payment deposited
designated by the IRS to meet the “timely
payment is to be paid. If the payment is to
directly, in which case the payment will be
mailing as timely filing/paying” rule for tax
be made to the entity that issued the
directly deposited to the routing and
returns and payments. These private
bonds, enter the name of that issuer. For
account numbers listed on lines 25a and
delivery services include only the
build America bonds and recovery zone
economic development bonds, the
DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day
Note. If the entity listed in Part I is not
issuer’s name should be identical to the
the issuer, the account information
name listed on Form 8038-B, Part I, line
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx
(routing and account numbers listed on
1. For specified tax credit bonds, the
Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard
lines 25a and 25c) must be the account
issuer’s name should be identical to the
Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx
information of the entity listed in Part I. If
name listed on Form 8038-TC, Part I, line
International Priority, and FedEx
the entity listed in Part I is the issuer, the
1. If the issuer authorized another entity
International First.
account information must be the account
(for example, a trustee bank) to receive
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS Next
information of the issuer.
the requested refundable credit payment
Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS
on its behalf, enter the name of that
2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS
If the amount of the credit
Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS
payment requested is required to
Note. The IRS will send payment only to
Worldwide Express.
be offset against other outstanding
the entity listed in Part I. By entering the
taxes or obligations, then the credit
The private delivery service can tell
name of an entity other than the issuer,
payment to be received could be less
you how to get written proof of the mailing
the issuer consents to and authorizes the
than the amount requested. For more
IRS to send the requested refundable
information see Notices 2009-26 and
Other Forms That May Be
credit payment directly to the entity listed
in Part I. The issuer further consents to
Questions on Filing Form
and authorizes the IRS to communicate
For rebating arbitrage (or paying a
directly with the entity listed in Part I and
penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate) to the
to disclose its return information to that
For specific questions on how to file Form
Federal Government, use Form 8038-T,
entity, as necessary, in order to process
8038-CP send an email to the IRS at:
Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction and
the refundable credit payment.
Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate. For
Line 2. Enter the employer identification
and put “Form 8038-CP Question” in the
the issuance of all build America bonds
number (EIN) of the entity identified in line
subject line. In the email include a
and recovery zone economic
1. If the issuer is the entity listed in Part I,
description of your question, a return
development bonds, use Form 8038-B,
for build America bonds and recovery
email address, the name of a contact
Information Return for Build America
zone economic development bonds the
person, and a telephone number.
Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic
issuer’s EIN should be identical to the EIN
Development Bonds. The Form 8038-B
listed on Form 8038-B, Part I, line 2. If the
Specific Instructions
associated with a Form 8038-CP filing
issuer is the entity listed in Part I, for
must be filed at least 30 days prior to the
specified tax credit bonds, the issuer’s
Part I—Information on Entity
submission of the first Form 8038-CP of
EIN should be identical to the EIN listed
the bond issue. For more information, see
That Is To Receive Payment of
on Form 8038-TC, Part I, line 2. An entity
Notice 2009-26. For reporting the
Credit and Communications
that does not have an EIN should apply
issuance of all tax credit bonds, including
for one on Form SS-4, Application for
Amended return. An issuer may file an
specified tax credit bonds, use Form
Employer Identification Number. You can
8038-TC, Information Return for Tax
amended return to change or add to the
get this form on the IRS website at
Credit Bonds and Specified Tax Credit
information reported on a previously filed
or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM
Bonds. For specified tax credit bonds, the
return, with respect to a single issue for
(1-800-829-3676). You may receive an
Form 8038-TC associated with a Form
the same interest payment date. If you
EIN by telephone by following the
8038-CP filing must be filed at least 30
are filing to correct errors or change a
instructions for Form SS-4.
days prior to the submission of the first
previously filed return, check the
Form 8038-CP of the bond issue. For
Amended Return box in the heading of
Lines 5 and 6. If the issuer is not the
more information, see Notice 2010-35.
the return.
entity listed in Part I, enter on line 5 the


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