Martin County is pleased to offer a direct debit option. Taxpayers will now have the opportunity to pay
property taxes through automatic withdrawal from a checking or a savings account on your property tax
due dates.
The direct payment plan is the easy way to pay your property taxes:
1. The service is free to the taxpayer, convenient and dependable
2. Easy to enroll and cancel (if needed)
3. Payments deducted from checking or savings account
4. Payment is never late or “lost in the mail”, so never have a penalty
Taxpayers enrolled in the payment plan will have the authorized account debited on May 15 and
October and/or November 15 (for agricultural only). Should any of these dates fall on a weekend, the
payment will be debited from your account on the next business day. Your bank statement will be your
record of these payments.
Your participation in the Direct Debit Program will remain in effect until Martin County receives your
written request to terminate the direct payment status. Please notify our office at least three weeks
prior to any tax installment due date to avoid having the payment debited. Martin County reserves the
right to terminate the direct payment status if the parcel reflects a property combination or division, tax
adjustment, tax court petition process or if any attempt to debit your account is rejected by your
financial institution. You will be notified of any termination of direct payment status by mail along with
a copy of property tax statement that will reflect any balances due and owing for the year.
An enrollment form is included. Please complete and return to our office. Upon receipt, we will confirm
the amount that will be deducted and the dates scheduled for the deduction.
If we attempt to draw the payment and there are insufficient funds, we will contact you, you will be
charged with a penalty for the late payment, and you will be dropped from the direct payment plan.
Contact your financial institution if you have questions regarding the completion of the account
information section. If you have any questions regarding the direct payment program, contact our office
at 507-238-3211.