Address Correction, Address Change, Fastforward, And Return Services Page 3


Address Correction, Address Change, FASTforward, and Return Services
building name. An optional information line (e.g., keyline or optional endorsement
line) is permitted if placed above the top line of the address block. Any alternative
addressing format under
is not permitted.
When MLOCR and/or video image technologies are used with FASTforward, each
letter-size piece must have a barcode clear zone meeting the standards in C840,
free of any printing and barcode. If a FASTforward match is made, the new
address and barcode representing the new address are printed in the barcode
clear zone and, for mail processing, take precedence over the old address and any
barcode in the address block. The new barcode must meet the barcoding
standards in C840. An envelope containing a window that intrudes into the
barcode clear zone is not eligible for FASTforward.
Mail Not Forwarded
The following types of mail are not forwarded:
a. Mail addressed to “Occupant” or “Postal Customer.”
b. Mail with exceptional address format.
c. Mail showing specific instructions of the sender (e.g., “Return Service
Requested” or “Change Service Requested”).
d. Perishable items not marked to abandon that cannot be delivered before
spoiling, or day-old poultry that cannot be delivered within 72 hours after
hatching. These items are returned to the sender immediately, if the return
can be made before spoilage or within the 72-hour period.
Special Services
A change-of-address order covers certified, collect on delivery (COD), insured,
registered, and return receipt for merchandise mail unless the sender gives other
instructions or the addressee moves outside the United States. This mail is treated
as follows:
a. COD mail is not forwarded to overseas military post offices.
b. Ordinary, insured, and COD parcels marked on the envelope or wrapper with
the mailer’s instructions to abandon or sell perishable items are treated
following the instructions, such as:
(1) “Do not forward or return. If not accepted within _____ days, treat as
abandoned. Notify mailer of disposition.”
(2) “Do not forward or return. If undelivered after _____ days, sell contents
to highest bidder and remit proceeds, less commission, to mailer.” (A
commission of 10%, but not less than $0.25, is kept by the USPS from
the amount for which perishable items are sold.)
c. When the mailer so requests, Form 3849-D is sent to the mailer. The mailer
then may designate a new addressee or alter the amount of COD charges by
submitting a written request to the postmaster and paying the proper fee. The
USPS returns the article to the mailer after the holding period if no response
is received. The postage charge, if any, is collected from the mailer for
returning the mail (but not registration or COD fees). When COD mail is
addressed to a person who moved and left no forwarding address, Form
3849-D is not sent, and the mail is returned to the mailer.
d. Insured Standard Mail is forwarded and returned.
e. Insured Package Services without any other endorsement is forwarded at no
charge locally and postage due nonlocally. (For forwarding, local means
within the same post office.) If the mailpiece is undeliverable, the USPS
DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04


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