Form Rtet - Retail Telecommunication Excise Tax (2007)

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Rev. 2-07
Retail Telecommunication Excise Tax
15-53-130, MCA
Return and Instructions
Name ___________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
City, ST, ZIP ______________________________________________________________
4. If this is an amended return, check here
2. Account ID
5. If you are no longer in business and want your account
cancelled, enter the final date
3. Period:
6. If your mailing address has changed, check the box
and print new address below:
7. Revenue attributable to Montana
Total Gross
telecommunication services:
a. Wireless ..............................
b. Long distance .....................
c. Local exchange . ..................
d. Other . ..................................
8. Total . .......................................
9. Multiply line 8, total retail revenue, by 0.0375 (3.75%)
(total retail = sum of a, b, c and d) ............................................................................ ______________
10. Less: Excise tax paid on uncollectible accounts .................................................... ______________
11. Recapture of previously written off taxes ................................................................. ______________
12. Tax due (sum of lines 9, 10 and 11) .......................................................................... ______________
13. Penalty . ............................ ........................................................................................ ______________
14. Interest . ............................ ........................................................................................ ______________
15. Total due with this return (sum of lines 12, 13 and 14) ............................................ ______________
16. Internet access revenue . ............................................................................................. ______________
Signature ______________________________________________
Title __________________________________________________
Phone___________________________ Date__________________


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