Form Rp-1126 - Declaration Of Interest Page 2


Page 2
RP-1126 (1/98)
Section Five. Authorization.
I understand that this Declaration of Interest shall expire on the last day of the tenth calendar
year commencing hereafter, unless extended or canceled. I further understand that it is the
responsibility of the party identified in Section Two of this Declaration, to amend or cancel this
Declaration of Interest upon the transfer or termination of the interest described above, or upon a
change of address of such party.
Dated: ___________________
(Type or print name of party identified in
Section Two, or authorized representative)
State of New York
) ss
County of ________________)
I, ___________________________________________, being duly sworn, say that I am the
__________________________________ (state relationship to party identified in Section Two), and
that the statements contained in this Declaration of Interest are true, correct and complete.
(Signature of party identified in Section Two, or
authorized representative)
Sworn before me this _________
day of _____________, _______ .
Notary Public


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