Guilford County Field Trip Information/permission Slip Form


SCHOOL: _________________________________________
A field trip has been planned that will serve as an enrichment experience for those students participating.
The trip will serve as a preparatory/follow-up activity to enrich a regularly scheduled part of the
instructional program. Students will not be allowed to make the trip unless parental permission is granted.
The school system is responsible for students based on the laws of the state of North Carolina. In the
event that an accident happens, medical assistance should be sought immediately. The parent will be
contacted, and medical charges will be assigned to the parent or guardian.
The behavior of our students as it relates to a field trip is of critical importance. Students are always
expected to be on their best behavior. Regrettably, inappropriate behavior can result in disciplinary action,
including in extreme cases being returned home separately at the parent's expense.
The following details are provided for your information:
DESTINATION: ________________________________________________________________
SUPERVISING TEACHERS: ______________________________________________________
DEPARTURE DATE: ______________________________________TIME: _________
RETURN TO SCHOOL: ____________________________________TIME: _________
METHOD OF TRANSPORTATION: ______________________
OTHER: _____________
OTHER MONIES NEEDED: ______________________________________ADMISSION, ETC.)
ARRANGEMENT FOR MEALS: ________________________________________
PARENTS: Please retain the top part of this form for your reference and information. (Complete the
information below, cut along the dotted line, and return the bottom of this sheet to the school
Teacher: ______________________________
I hereby certify that (
student's name
__________________________________________ has permission to participate in the field
trip according to the policies and provisions as stated above. In the event of an accident or
medical emergency, I authorize the supervising teachers to seek medical assistance, and I will
assume responsibility for all expenses.
I authorize the following regarding medications. Initial those applicable:
____ none to be taken.
____ authorized per existing “Authorization of Medication for a Student at School” form.
____ authorized per the attached special authorization form (submit the “Authorization of
Medication … “ form found at Procedure JGCD-P to include medicines beyond the
normal school day during this trip).
Parent Signature: _________________________________
Phone Number:__________
Address: ________________________________
Date of Student's Birth: ____________
Doctor's Name: ______________________________ Phone Number: ____________
Name of Insurance Company: __________________________
Policy Number: ______________
If parent cannot be located in the event of an emergency, contact:
Name: ____________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________
Address: __________________________________________Date: _____________


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