Eviction Case Appeal Bond (Surety) Form - Texas Justice Court


Eviction Case Appeal Bond (Surety)
Instructions: A party may appeal a judgment in an eviction case by filing a bond in the amount set by the court, supported by at least one surety approved by the
judge. The bond must be payable to the appellee and must be conditioned on the appellant’s prosecution of the appeal to effect and payment of any judgment and all
costs rendered against appellant on appeal. Within 5 days of filing the appeal bond, the appellant must serve written notice of the appeal on all other parties. Rule
Case No.
In the Justice Court of
Harris County, Texas
Precinct ______, Place ______
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Appeal by Defendant (Tenant):
To appeal the Judgment entered in this proceeding, _______________________________________________, Tenant, Appellant, and
________________________________________________________________________________________, Surety, acknowledge
themselves firmly bound to __________________________________________________________________, Appellee, in the
amount of $______________, and Appellant and Surety agree that this bond is conditioned on the prosecution of this appeal to effect
and the payment of any judgment and all costs rendered against Appellant.
Appeal by Plaintiff (Landlord):
To appeal the Judgment entered in this proceeding, _____________________________________________, Landlord, Appellant, and
_______________________________________________________________________________________, Surety, acknowledge
themselves firmly bound to _______________________________________________________________________, Appellee in the
amount of $______________, and Appellee and Surety agree that this bond is conditioned on the prosecution of this appeal to effect
and the payment of any judgment and all costs rendered against Appellant.
Notice of the filing of this Bond will be given to all parties to the suit within five (5) days following the filing of the bond.
Signed on __________________________________
Signature of Appellant
Printed Name: _______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________
Fax: _______________________________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________
Date of Birth: __________ TDL: _______________
Signed on __________________________________
Signature of Surety
Printed Name: _______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________
Fax: _______________________________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________
Date of Birth: __________ TDL: _______________


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