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American Fidelity Assurance Company
Mail to: AWD Benefits Department
P.O. Box 268898 | Oklahoma City, OK 73126-8898
toll Free Phone # 1-800-437-1011
toll Free Fax # 1-888-243-3453
routine Pregnancy
Do not use this form for any benefit other than routine child birth.
sECtioN 1: EMPLoyEE’s DisABiLity BENEFits APPLiCAtioN
See page 1 for fraud statements.
Full Name: (last, first, middle initial)
maiden Name
Account Number:
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth:
Telephone Number: (including area code)
mailing Address: (P.O. Box or street, city and zip code)
1. Full names and addresses of all treating physicians: (attach additional list if necessary)
2. If hospitalized, give full name(s) and addresses of hospitals:
(attach additional list if necessary)
Admit Date
Discharge Date
Name(s) ____________________________________________
Address(es) __________________________________________
3. On what date did you last work?__________________________________________
Dates of total disability:
From _________________ Thru __________________
On what date did you return to work?______________________________________
If not returned to work, when do you anticipate returning to work?_____________________________________________________________________
5. If your request for benefits is approved do you want us to withhold Federal Taxes from each benefit check? r Yes
r No
If yes, amount: $ _______________________________________ (indicate amount per month $87.00 minimum)
6. Please identify other income sources and amount of income which you are receiving or may be entitled to receive during this disability:
Workers Comp
r Yes r No $ _________
Other Group Insurance
r Yes r No $ _________
Sick Leave or Wage Continuation
r Yes r No $ _________
Include a copy of your award or denial letter from any source that you have received.
sECtioN 2: EMPLoyEr’s rEPort oF CLAiM
Name of Employer:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
mailing Address: (include street, city, state and zip code)
Name of Employee:
Social Security Number:
Date of Hire:
Does employee participate in Social Security? r Yes r No
If no, hired after 4/1/86? r Yes r No
Have you withheld the employee’s disability premium
for the current month?
Please furnish the percentage of the employee’s AFA disability premium you pay: __________%
r Yes
r No
Are the AFA disability premiums withheld before or after taxes?
r Before
r After
If not, what is the last month you
deducted disability premiums? _____________
sALAry At thE tiME oF DisABiLity:
Hourly: $___________
monthly: $___________
W-2, for previous Calendar Year: $_____________
Year-to-date, Current Calendar Year: $_____________
Number of hours scheduled weekly: ___________
othEr soUrCEs oF iNCoME:
Is the employee receiving or eligible to receive any of the following?
Dates Benefits
Company Name and Phone Number
Other Group
Sick Leave
Other (Bonus, etc)
Form completed by: (please print)
Phone Number & Extension:
Employer Name:
Office Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
BN-728 AWD


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