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American Fidelity Assurance Company
Mail to:
AFES Benefits Department
P.O. Box 25160
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0160
Toll Free: 1-800-662-1113
See front page for fraud warnings.
1. Full Name _________________________________________ Date of Birth _____/_____/____ Account No. __________________________
Please Print
2. Address __________________________________________________________________ Social Security No .______________ ____________
(Zip Code)
3. Telephone number Work __________________________ Home __________________________ Employer ___________________________
Full Name: (last, first, middle initial)
Social Security Number:
Mailing Address: (P.O. Box or street, city and zip code)
Date of Birth:
____ /____ /____
Telephone Number: (including area code)
r Single
r Married
r Widowed
r Divorced
Has your employment terminated?
If so, date:
1. Date accident occured:
2. Explain where and how accident occured?
3. Have you ever had the same or similar condition in the past? r Yes r No If so, when? ____________________________________________
If yes, names and address of treating physicians and/or hospitals:
4. Nature of injury:
5. Dates of medical treatment:
Date of next doctor’s appointment:
6. If hospitalized give full name(s) and addresses
Admit Date: _______/_______/_______ Discharge Date: _______/_______/_______
of hospitals: (attach additional list if necessary)
7. Full names and addresses of all treating physicians:
8. Is your disability related to your employment/occupation? r Yes r No
(attach additional list if necessary)
If yes, have you or do you intend to file for Worker’s Compensation?r Yes r No
9. On what date did you last work?______________
Dates of total disability: From ______________
Thru ________________
On what date did you return to work? __________
Part Time ________/________/________
Full Time ________/________/________
If not returned to work, when do you anticipate returning to work?___________________________
I hereby authorize the entities specified below to disclose any information about my entire medical record, benefits payable, or benefit eligibility for this disability and history of treatment for physical
and/or emotional illness to include psychological testing, except psychotherapy notes, to individuals representing American Fidelity Assurance Company (AFAC) who are involved in determining whether
I am eligible for benefits under my insurance coverage. Those so authorized are: a) licensed physicians or medical practitioners; b) hospitals, clinics or medically-related facilities; c) health plans; d)
Veteran’s Administration; e) past or present employers; f) pharmacy; g) insurance companies; h) the Social Security Administration; i) retirement systems; j) Department of Motor Vehicles; and k)
Workers’ Compensation Carrier.
NOTICE: Information authorized for release may include information on communicable or venereal diseases such as hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or other conditions for which you may have been treated. This authorization excludes disclosure of the result of a test for HIV if you have tested HIV positive but have not
developed symptoms of the disease AIDS. Such test results shall not be discovered or published. Nothing in this caveat will prohibit this authorization from including the fact that you have AIDS.
I understand that I may refuse to sign this authorization; however, if I do not sign the authorization, my failure to sign the authorization may result in a denial or a delay of benefits.
I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by writing to AFES Benefits Department, PO Box 25160, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0160 or by calling, toll-free, 1-800-662-1113.
I understand that my right to revoke this authorization is limited to the extent that: AFAC has taken action in reliance on the authorization; or, the law provides AFAC with the right to contest my
insurance coverage or a claim under my insurance coverage. A copy of this authorization will be as valid as the original.
I understand that if protected health information is disclosed to a person or organization that is not required to comply with federal privacy regulations, the information may be redisclosed and no longer
protected by the federal privacy regulations.
For health insurance coverage this authorization will expire twenty-four months from the date it is signed or upon termination of my insurance policy, whichever occurs first. For insurance coverage other
than health insurance, this authorization will expire twenty-four months from the date it is signed or upon expiration of my claim for benefits, whichever occurs first.
Signature (Patient) or Personal Representative (if applicable)
Printed Name (Patient)
Relationship of Personal Representative to Patient
If authorization is supplied by a personal representative a description of the authority to act on behalf of the Insured must be included.
Please retain a copy for your personal records, or you may request a copy from our company.


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