Instructions For Form Ed-50 Notice Of Property Tax And Certification Of Intent To Impose A Tax - 2001-2002 Page 2


Part II: Rate limit certification
Part III: Schedule of local option
Most districts had a permanent rate limit established
in 1997–98 for operating taxes. Other districts will
Complete this schedule if you have one or more
have new permanent rates because of a merger or
voter-approved local option taxes. For each local
consolidation. Some taxing districts in Deschutes and
option tax, list the purpose of the tax (operating or
Linn Counties had their permanent rate authority
capital project), the date voters approved it, the first
reduced by the 1999 legislature. The reduced rates
year the tax can be imposed, the final year the tax
were effective beginning in 2000–01.
will be imposed and the dollar amount or rate autho-
rized to be imposed each year.
Part II of this form is designed to notify the asses-
sor of your limit.
The information you provide in this schedule sup-
ports the local option tax amounts on lines 2 and 3
Line 6. Enter in box 6 the district’s permanent rate
in Part I.
limit per $1,000 of assessed value. The rate should
be carried four places to the right of the decimal
Submission to assessor
point. If you do not know your permanent rate limit,
contact your county assessor, or the Department of
If you are imposing a property tax, you must sub-
Revenue, Finance and Taxation Unit.
mit the following documents to the county assessor
Line 7. If you are a new district enter the date of
in each county in which this tax is imposed by July
the election in which the voters approved your rate
15, or the date of extension granted by the assessor:
limit. You only need to complete this line for the first
• Two copies of the resolution statements that adopt
year your new permanent rate is certified. If you use
the budget, make appropriations, levy taxes, and
line 7, include a copy of the ballot measure with
categorize the taxes.
your certification documents.
• Two copies of a complete ED-50.
Line 8. If your district went through a merger or
• Copies of any newly approved local option ballot
consolidation in 2000–01, show your estimated per-
manent rate limit on this line. Before taxes are ex-
The assessor may request additional documents.
tended on the roll for 2001–02, the assessor will
Note: Submit complete budget documents to your
calculate a permanent rate limit for your district us-
ESD, the Department of Education, and the county
ing actual values. You will be notified of the actual
clerk [ORS 326.310(4)]. The county clerk must re-
new permanent rate limit. If your estimated rate is
ceive your complete budget document by Septem-
higher than the actual permanent rate limit, the as-
ber 30 [310.060(7)]
sessor will use the actual rate. If your estimated rate
is less than the actual permanent rate limit, the as-
sessor will use the estimated rate.


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