Condominium Questionnaire Template Page 3


23. How is title the units held?(Fee simple or Leasehold)__________ (If leasehold please
provide copies of the lease)
24. Is each unit conveyed by a separate deed?__________
25. Are there leased recreational or common area facilities?___________ (If yes please provide
a copy of the lease)
26. What is the zoning for the condo? _____ Legal _______ Legal non-conforming
27. Are the utilities separately metered? _______ Yes _______ No
28. Does the project have a rental desk, room service, daily cleaning service?__________
Please list what is applicable
29. Does this project have documents on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission or
does the project promote unit ownership as an investment opportunity?__________
30. Is this a common interest apartment project or a community apartment project owned by
several tenants-in-common or by a homeowners association in which individuals have an
undivided interest in the residential apartment building and land?_____
31. Does the association allow timeshare, segmented ownership?__________ (If yes, please
32. How many units are 60 days or more past due on association fees?__________ Does this
represent more than 15% of total units?_____ Total amount of past due association
33. According to the Condo Legal Documents, Is the mortgagee responsible for more than 6
months of unpaid dues/assessments in case of foreclosure? ______ Yes or ______ No
34. Have there been any special assessments in the past two years?__________ Are any
special assessments now planned?__________ Please explain in detail if there have been
special assessments in the past two years or if special assessments are being planned now.
35. Does the property management team (if there is one) have the authority to draw checks
against or transfer from the reserve funds?__________
36. Are two or more members of the Board of Directors required to sign checks drafted against
the reserve account?__________


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