Condominium Questionnaire Template


Borrower Name:_____________________
Project Name:__________________________
Property Address:_______________________________ Unit #:________________
City:__________________ State:__________ Zip Code:_____________
_____Established (5 or more Units) _____2-4 Unit (Choose One)
1. Year project was Built ____________________
2. Are all units and common areas 100% complete?__________
3. Number of phases: _____ Number of phases complete:_____ Is subject phase
complete?__________ ; What “phase number” is the subject unit in? ________.
4. Is construction/renovation complete?__________(if no, what remains to be
5. If the project is a conversion please provide the original date built. __________ and the
original dates of the conversion: __________. (If conversion less than 3yrs provide
Architect/Engineer’s Report);
6. If the project is converted, was it a gut rehabilitation with replacement of all HVAC and
Electrical Components? _________Yes _________No
7. Is this a hotel/motel conversion? _______ Yes _______ No
8. Is the project a Houseboat Project? _______Yes _______No
9. Is the project a multi-dwelling unit condominium (in which ownership of multiple units is
evidenced by a single deed and mortgage)? ________Yes _______No
10. Does the condominium represent a legal, but nonconforming use of the land? (If zoning
regulations prohibit rebuilding to current density in the event of destruction)
___________Yes ___________No
11. Is the project in whole or part, operated or owned as a continuing care facility which
provides medical and/or supportive services to unit owners?
___________Yes ____________No
12. Does the HOA own in full the projects facilities, amenities, common elements, or limited
common elements? __________Yes __________No
13. Are than any units in the complex that are less than 400 square feet?
_______Yes _______No


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