Deck Reservation Form


Updated 4/28/2009
San Jose Christian Alliance Church
Deck Reservation Form
Name: _______________________________
Event (details): ___________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Email: _______________________________
Time: ___________________________________
Congregation: _________________________
Estimated headcount: ______________________
San Jose Christian Alliance Church reserves the right to approve/reject any request to use the deck and its equipment
if a group does not comply with the instructions described below.
Reservations are at a first come first serve basis, unless there is a conflict with church schedule.
The member making a reservation for the deck is responsible for the entire duration that it is being used.
Church office staff must approve reservation.
Grill/Wok: a fee of $20 will be charged for a tank of propane.
Capacity on the deck is not to exceed 100 people.
I understand that by reserving the deck for use for church events and ministry, I agree with the following:
I understand the guidelines as a church staff has gone through the list with me.
I assume full responsibility for any missing or broken equipment or item.
I will be go over the Deck Reservation Checklist at the end of the event.
Deck Reservation Checklist
Cooking utensils: washed and rinsed clean, returned to storage bins
Counter top: rinsed and dried with cloth
Grill: turned off, cleaned and covered
Picnic tables: wiped down and clean of all food particles
Garbage disposal: turned OFF
Trash bins: emptied and thrown into dumpster, replace with new trash bag
Cleaning supplies: returned to bins under the sink area
Storage gates: combination locked and secured
I will leave the deck and all its equipment in the same condition as before.
1) Clean-up
Clean-up the deck of all debris and food. Wipe down the counter. Hose down drink-spills, etc.
2) Clearing Garbage
All trash cans MUST be emptied to garbage-bin (in parking lot) to avoid dogs and rats messing up the area further.
3) Kitchen
Do not assume that stuff left in the kitchen will neatly disappear. Do not leave half-used condiments, charcoals, etc.
in the kitchen or refrigerator. Take them home or throw them away!
Signature of Requestor
Church Staff (Approval)


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