PURPOSE OF SCHEDULE—This schedule is to be used
by any company which has entered into a financing
Column A—Enter on each line the ending date (month,
agreement for a Kentucky Rural Economic Develop-
day and year) of the tax year for which the information
ment Act (KREDA) project to maintain a record of the
requested in Columns B through F is entered.
debt service payments, wage assessment fees and
income tax credits for the duration of the financing
Column B—This column will always be blank for the first
agreement. This information is necessary for the com-
taxable year of the financing agreement. For each year
pany to determine the limitation of the tax credit for
thereafter, if the amount entered in Column E for the
each year of the financing agreement and to allow the
prior year exceeds the amount entered in Column F for
Kentucky Revenue Cabinet to verify that the credit has
the prior year, enter the difference. If the amount entered
been properly computed.
in Column F for the prior year equals the amount entered
in Column E for the prior year, enter -0-.
Column C—Enter the total amount of debt service pay-
ment made during the taxable year. Debt service pay-
A separate Schedule KREDA-T, Tracking Schedule
ment includes both principal and interest paid in
for a KREDA Project, shall be maintained for the
accordance with the financing agreement.
duration of each KREDA project. Beginning with the
first tax year of the KREDA financing agreement,
Column D—Enter the total amount of employee wage
complete Columns A through F using a separate line
assessment fees (both the state and local portion) with-
for each year of the financing agreement. The company
held from the salaries of employees during the taxable
shall attach a copy of this schedule updated with current
year information to the Schedule KREDA or Schedule
KREDA-SP, which is filed with the Kentucky income
Column E—Enter the result of adding the amounts
tax return for the year.
entered in Columns B and C and subtracting the
amount entered in Column D. Also, enter on Schedule
Date Financing Agreement was Executed or Activa-
KREDA, line 4, or Schedule KREDA-SP, line 3, which-
tion Date—For projects which received preliminary
ever is applicable.
approval from the Kentucky Economic Development
Finance Authority (KEDFA) prior to July 15, 1996,
Column F—Enter the amount of KREDA tax credit
enter the date the financing agreement was ex-
claimed for the taxable year. For C corporations, this
ecuted. For projects which received preliminary ap-
will be the amount from Schedule KREDA, Part II, line 5,
proval from KEDFA after July 15, 1996, enter the date
or the amount entered for this project on Schedule TCS,
established by the approved company as the activa-
line 1, Column E, whichever is applicable. For S corpo-
tion date for implementation of the inducements
rations and partnerships, this will be the amount from
authorized by the financing agreement.
Schedule KREDA-SP, Part I, line 4(a) or 4(b).