Purpose: To determine the adjusted gross receipts for a
Line-By-Line Instructions
controlled group to establish a filing requirement and for
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
the calculation of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This
Line 2, Federal Employer ID No. (FEIN) or TR No.
form must be completed by all members of an affiliated
Enter the same account number used on page 1 of your
group, a controlled group of corporations or an entity
annual return.
under common control. Adjusted gross receipts must be
annualized if the return is for a period of less than 12
Line 3, a-m. Enter the FEIN and name of each member of
the group. If you need more space, attach a schedule
identifying additional members with consecutive letters.
Controlled groups are two or more trades or businesses
(whether or not incorporated) under common control as
Column 3-A, Gross Receipts or Apportioned Gross
defined in the Internal Revenue Service regulation
Receipts. Enter each member’s gross receipts or
1.414(c). This includes parent-subsidiary, brother-sister,
apportioned gross receipts, whichever applies.
or combined groups of corporations.
Column 3-B, Capital Acquisition Deduction
Recapture. Enter each member’s CAD Recapture from
An affiliated group is two or more corporations, one of
form C-8000D, line 19.
which owns or controls, directly or indirectly, 80 percent
or more of the capital stock of the other corporation(s)
Column 3-C, Adjusted Gross Receipts for Filing
with voting rights.
Requirement. Enter the total of columns 3-A and 3-B for
each member.
Filing Requirements
Column 3-D, Investment Tax Credit Recapture.
If you are a member of an affiliated group, a controlled
each member’s Total Recapture of Capital Investments
group of corporations or an entity under common control,
from form C-8000ITC, line 23.
the group must sum its members’ adjusted gross receipts to
determine if members of the group need to file an SBT
Column 3-E, Investment Tax Credit Adjusted Gross
Receipts. Enter the total of columns 3-C and 3-D for each
Adjusted gross receipts for this purpose are apportioned
gross receipts, plus recapture of the capital acquisition
Line 4, column C and E. Total columns 3-C and 3-E
Line 5, Adjusted Gross Receipts to Determine the
Investment Tax Credit
Filing Requirement for the Controlled Group. Enter the
For tax years beginning after 1999, an investment tax
amount from line 4C. Do not include members whose
credit may be claimed for a percentage of the net costs
adjusted gross receipts are less than $100,000 in the total.
paid or accrued in a taxable year for qualifying tangible
Note: If the sum of all of the members adjusted gross
assets physically located in Michigan. The assets must be
receipts are $250,000 or more on line 5, all members with
of a type that are or will become eligible for depreciation
adjusted gross receipts of $100,000 or more in column 3C
or amortization for federal income tax. Mobile tangible
must file an annual return. Members with adjusted gross
assets, wherever located, which would be subject to
receipts of less than $100,000 are not required to file.
apportionment in the same manner as the tax base, and
assets purchased or acquired for use outside the state and
Line 6, Adjusted Gross Receipts For The Group, To Be
later moved into the state, also qualify for the ITC. The
Used For The Investment Tax Credit Calculation.
ITC must be taken before any other credit.
Enter the amount from line 4E. Include all members. This
amount will determine the Investment Tax Percentage
A member of an affiliated group, a controlled group of
allowed for credit purposes. See Single Business Tax
corporations, or an entity under common control must also
Investment Tax Credit form C-8000ITC and instructions.
determine adjusted gross receipts for purposes of the ITC
percentage on a consolidated basis.
Adjusted gross receipts for the purpose of the ITC are
apportioned gross receipts, plus recapture of the capital
acquisition deduction, plus the ITC recapture adjustments.