Emergency Medical Form
PART 1: Authorization to Seek Medical Treatment
I, the undersigned, do hereby authorize representatives of StarStruck Theatre to
serve as agents for the undersigned to consent to any necessary medical treatment.
In the event your child is injured or an emergency occurs, SS will make every effort
to reach you. If you cannot be reached, SS will try to reach your emergency contact.
If possible, SS will call your designated doctor or dentist. However, if deemed
necessary because of the nature of the injury or emergency, SS will obtain treatment
from the nearest hospital.
Actor Name (print):_______________________________Date: _______________
Actor Signature: (if over 18)
Parent's Signature:
PART TWO: Emergency Contacts (list parents/guardians first)
Day Phone
Evening Phone
Parent/guardian 1
Parent/guardian 2
Primary Care Physician:____________________________________
Phone #: ____________________
Insurance Company:_______________________________________
Policy #: ____________________
Policy holder name and phone: