Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals - 2007 Page 9


dividends under the rules just described
Step 5. If the simplified limitation election
same as your regular tax foreign tax
or you would be required to adjust your
does not apply, complete lines 14 through
foreign source qualified dividends if you
16 of the AMT Form 1116.
AMTFTC Carryback and
had any.
Step 6. If you did not complete Part III of
Form 6251, enter the amount from line 28
To adjust your foreign source capital
If your AMTFTC is limited, the unused
of Form 6251 on line 17 of the AMT Form
gain distributions, multiply your foreign
amount generally may be carried back or
1116 and go to Step 7. If you completed
source capital gain distributions in each
forward according to section 904(c).
Part III of Form 6251, you must complete,
separate category by 0.5357. Include the
However, if you made the election to
for the AMT, the Worksheet for Line 17 in
results on line 1a of the applicable AMT
claim the foreign tax credit on Form 1040
the Form 1116 instructions to determine
Form 1116. But do not adjust the amount
(or Form 1040NR) without filing Form
the amount to enter on line 17 of the AMT
of any foreign source capital gain
1116, any unused AMTFTC cannot be
Form 1116 if:
distribution you elected to include on line
carried back or forward. In addition, no
Line 53 of Form 6251 is smaller than
4g of AMT Form 4952.
unused AMTFTC from another year can
line 54, and
be used in any year for which the election
Line 41 of Form 6251 is greater than
Individuals with other capital gains
has been made.
or losses. If any capital gain or loss is
different for the AMT, use amounts as
But you do not need to complete the
Simplified Limitation Election
refigured for the AMT to complete this
Worksheet for Line 17 if:
You may elect to use a simplified section
step. Use Worksheet A in the instructions
You qualify for the adjustment
904 limitation to figure your AMTFTC. If
for Form 1116 to determine the
exception under Qualified Dividends and
you do, use your regular tax income for
adjustments you must make to your
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet (Individuals)
Form 1116, Part I, instead of refiguring
foreign source capital gains or losses (as
or Adjustments to foreign qualified
your foreign source income for the AMT,
refigured for the AMT) if you have foreign
dividends under Schedule D Filers in the
as described earlier. You must make the
source capital gains or losses (as
Form 1116 instructions, and
election for the first tax year after 1997 for
refigured for the AMT) in no more than
Line 41 of Form 6251 is not more than
which you claim an AMTFTC. If you do
two separate categories and any of the
$175,000 ($87,500 if married filing
not make the election for that year, you
following apply.
may not make it for a later year. Once
You are not required to make
Note. Use your capital gains and losses
made, the election applies to all later tax
adjustments to your foreign source
as refigured for the AMT to determine
years and may be revoked only with IRS
qualified dividends under the rules
whether your total amounts are less than
described earlier (or you would not be
the $20,000 threshold under the
required to make those adjustments if you
Line 34
adjustment exception.
had foreign source qualified dividends).
If you used Schedule J to figure your tax
If you do not need to complete the
Line 15 or 16 of the AMT Schedule D
on Form 1040, line 44 (or Form 1040NR,
Worksheet for Line 17, enter the amount
(Form 1040) is zero or a loss.
line 41), you must refigure that tax
from line 28 of Form 6251 on line 17 of
The amount on line 3 of the AMT
(including any tax from Form 8814)
the AMT Form 1116.
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
without using Schedule J before
Instructions for AMT Worksheet for
Worksheet (or line 7 of the AMT Schedule
completing this line. This is only for Form
Line 17. Follow these steps to complete,
D Tax Worksheet) minus the amount on
6251; do not change the amount on Form
for the AMT, the Worksheet for Line 17 in
Form 4952, line 4e, that you elected to
1040, line 44 (or Form 1040NR, line 41).
the Form 1116 instructions.
include on Form 4952, line 4g, is zero or
Form 1040NR. If you are filing Form
1. Enter the amount from Form 6251,
1040NR, enter the tax from Form
line 28, on line 1 of the worksheet.
Use Worksheet B if you:
1040NR, line 41 (minus any tax from
2. Skip lines 2 and 3 of the worksheet.
Cannot use Worksheet A,
Form 4972 and any foreign tax credit from
3. Enter the amount from Form 6251,
Have foreign source capital gains and
Form 1040NR, line 46). If you used
line 51, on line 4 of the worksheet.
losses in no more than two separate
Schedule J to figure your tax, the amount
4. Multiply line 4 of the worksheet by
categories, and
on line 41 of Form 1040NR must be
0.1071 (instead of 0.2857). Enter the
Did not have any item of unrecaptured
refigured without using Schedule J (see
result on line 5 of the worksheet.
section 1250 gain or 28% rate gain or
preceding paragraph).
5. Enter the amount from Form 6251,
loss for the AMT.
line 49, on line 6 of the worksheet.
Part III—Tax Computation
6. Multiply line 6 of the worksheet by
Instructions for Worksheets A and
0.4643 (instead of 0.5714). Enter the
B. When you complete Worksheet A or
Using Maximum Capital
result on line 7 of the worksheet.
Worksheet B, use foreign source capital
Gains Rates
7. Enter the amount from Form 6251,
gains and losses, as refigured for the
line 47, on line 8 of the worksheet.
AMT if necessary, and do not use any
Lines 37, 38, and 39
8. Multiply line 8 of the worksheet by
foreign source capital gains you elected
0.8214 (instead of 0.8571). Enter the
to include on line 4g of AMT Form 4952. If
You generally can fill out lines 37, 38, and
result on line 9 of the worksheet.
you are required to complete a Schedule
39 using the amounts from the Qualified
9. Complete lines 10 and 11 of the
D for the AMT, use line 16 of that AMT
Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
worksheet as instructed on the
Schedule D to complete line 3 of
Worksheet or the Schedule D Tax
Worksheet A or line 4 of the Line 2
Worksheet, whichever applies, and
Worksheet for Worksheet B. Use 0.5357
Schedule D (Form 1040), if you
Step 7. Enter the amount from Form
instead of 0.4286 to complete lines 11,
completed Schedule D. But do not use
6251, line 31, on the AMT Form 1116,
13, and 15 of Worksheet B and to
those amounts if any of the following
line 19. Complete lines 18, 20, and 21 of
complete lines 8, 11, and 17 of the Line
statements apply.
the AMT Form 1116.
15 Worksheet for Worksheet B.
1. Any gain or loss on Schedule D is
Step 8. Complete Part IV of the first
different for the AMT (for example,
If you do not qualify to use Worksheet
AMT Form 1116 only.
because of a different basis for the AMT
A or Worksheet B, use the instructions for
Enter on Form 6251, line 32, the
due to depreciation adjustments, an
Capital Gains and Losses in Pub. 514 to
amount from line 29 of the first AMT
incentive stock option adjustment, or a
determine the adjustments you make.
Form 1116.
different AMT capital loss carryover from
Step 4. Complete Part II and lines 9
Attach to your tax return, after Form
through 13 of the AMT Form 1116. Use
6251, all AMT Forms 1116 you used to
2. You did not complete either the
your AMTFTC carryover, if any, on
figure your AMTFTC. But do not attach
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax
line 10.
AMT Forms 1116 if your AMTFTC is the
Worksheet or the Schedule D Tax


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