Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 7


Inland waterways fuel use tax (IRS No. 64). If you are
Note. Include on line 6 of your next return the amount from
liable for the inland waterways fuel use tax, report the
line 11 you want to have applied to that return.
number of gallons subject to tax on the line for
If you owe other federal tax, interest, or penalty, the
IRS No. 64. Certain fuels must also be reported under IRS
overpayment on line 11 and line 7 will first be applied
No. 125 (see below).
to the unpaid amounts.
The inland waterways fuel use tax applies at the rate
Line 10. If line 3 is more than line 9, enter the difference in
listed on Form 720. This is in addition to all other
line 10. You do not have to pay if line 10 is under $1.00.
taxes imposed on the sale or use of the fuel.
You may pay the amount shown on line 10 by EFTPS,
LUST tax on inland waterways fuel use (IRS No. 125).
check or money order, or, if filing electronically, electronic
The leaking underground storage tank (LUST) tax must be
funds withdrawal (direct debit). If you pay by EFTPS or
paid on any liquid fuel used on inland waterways that is not
direct debit, do not file Form 720-V, Payment Voucher.
subject to LUST tax under section 4041(d) or 4081. For
example, gallons of Bunker C residual fuel oil must be
If you do not deposit as required and, instead, pay
the taxes with Form 720, you may be subject to a
reported under both IRS Nos. 64 and 125.
Alcohol sold as but not used as fuel (IRS No. 51). An
excise tax is imposed if the alcohol fuel mixture credit or
Payment of Taxes
alcohol credit was claimed and any person later (a) uses a
mixture or straight alcohol for a purpose other than fuel, (b)
Generally, semimonthly deposits of excise taxes are
separates the alcohol from the mixture, or (c) mixes the
required. A semimonthly period is the first 15 days of a
straight alcohol.
month (the first semimonthly period) or the 16th through the
Use the following table to determine the tax for each
last day of a month (the second semimonthly period).
gallon of alcohol. Fill in the number of gallons and the
However, no deposit is required for the situations listed
appropriate rate in the Rate column on the line for IRS No.
below. The taxes are payable with the return.
51. If more than one rate applies, leave the Rate column
The net liability for taxes listed in Part I (Form 720) does
blank and attach a schedule showing the rates and number
not exceed $2,500 for the quarter.
of gallons taxed at each rate.
The gas guzzler tax is being paid on a one-time filing. See
Gas guzzler tax on page 6.
THEN the tax rate
The liability is for taxes listed in Part II (Form 720), except
IF the alcohol is...
per gallon is...
for the floor stocks tax that generally requires a single
at least 190 proof
is ethanol
$ .51
deposit. See Floor Stocks Tax above.
is methanol
How To Make Deposits
benefited from the
small ethanol
To avoid a penalty, make your deposits timely and do not
producer credit
mail your deposits directly to the IRS. Records of your
at least 150 proof but
is ethanol
$ .3778
deposits will be sent to the IRS for crediting to your
less than 190 proof
is methanol
benefited from the
Electronic deposit requirement. You must make
small ethanol
producer credit
electronic deposits of all depository taxes (such as deposits
for employment tax, excise tax, and corporate income tax)
using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
Biodiesel sold as but not used as fuel (IRS No. 117). An
in 2008 if:
excise tax is imposed if the (a) biodiesel or renewable diesel
The total deposits of such taxes in 2006 exceeded
mixture credit or (b) biodiesel or renewable diesel credit was
$200,000 or
claimed and any person later (a) uses a mixture or straight
You were required to use EFTPS in 2007 or any prior
biodiesel or renewable diesel for a purpose other than as
fuel, (b) separates the biodiesel or renewable diesel from
the mixture, or (c) mixes the straight biodiesel or renewable
If you are required to use EFTPS and use Form 8109,
Federal Tax Deposit Coupon, instead, you may be subject
to a 10% penalty. If you are not required to use EFTPS, you
The tax is $.50 per gallon of biodiesel, $1.00 per gallon of
may participate voluntarily. To get more information or to
agri-biodiesel, and $1.00 per gallon of renewable diesel. An
enroll in EFTPS, visit the EFTPS website at
additional $.10 is added if the agri-biodiesel benefited from
or call 1-800-555-4477. Also see Publication 966, The
the small agri-biodiesel producer credit. Fill in the number of
Secure Way to Pay Your Federal Taxes.
gallons and the appropriate rate in the Rate column on the
line for IRS No. 117. If more than one rate applies, leave the
Depositing on time. For EFTPS deposits to be on time,
Rate column blank and attach a schedule showing the rates
you must initiate the transaction at least 1 day before the
and number of gallons taxed at each rate.
date the deposit is due (before 8:00 p.m. Eastern time).
Federal tax deposit coupons. If you are not making
Floor Stocks Tax
deposits by EFTPS, use Form 8109 to make the deposits at
Ozone-depleting chemicals floor stocks tax (IRS No. 20).
an authorized financial institution. See the instructions in the
Use Form 6627 to figure the liability for this tax. Enter the
coupon book for additional information. If you do not have a
amount from Form 6627, Part IV, line 4, column (d) on the
coupon book, call 1-800-829-4933.
line for IRS No. 20. Attach Form 6627 to Form 720 that is
You will automatically be enrolled in EFTPS when
due July 31 of each year. Deposit the payment by June 30
you apply for an EIN. You will receive a separate
at an authorized financial institution. See How To Make
mailing containing instructions for activating your
Deposits below.
EFTPS enrollment after you receive your EIN. You will still
have the option to use FTD coupons, but see Electronic
Part III
deposit requirement above.
Line 4. Report on Form 720, line 4, the total claims from
When To Make Deposits
Schedule C, line 16. See the instructions for Schedule
There are two methods for determining deposits: the regular
C – Claims on page 9.
method and the alternative method.
Line 6. Include on line 6 the amount from line 11 of your
previous return that you applied to this return and the
The regular method applies to all taxes in Part I of Form
amount from Form 720X, line 5b.
720 except for communications and air transportation taxes


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