Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 6


Gas guzzler tax (IRS No. 40). Use Form 6197, Gas
At the top of Form 720, write “Section 6114 Treaty.” If you
Guzzler Tax, to figure the liability for this tax. Attach
have no other transactions reportable on Form 720,
Form 6197 to Form 720. The tax rates for the gas guzzler
complete Form 720 as follows.
tax are shown on Form 6197.
1. If this is your final return, check the final return box.
One-time filing. If you import a gas guzzling
2. Write “None” on lines 1 and 3.
automobile, you may be eligible to make a one-time filing of
3. Sign the return.
Form 720 and Form 6197 if you meet all of the following
You need an EIN to file Form 720. If you do not have an
You do not import gas guzzling automobiles in the course
EIN, see Employer Identification Number (EIN) on page 2.
of your trade or business.
You are not required to file Form 720 reporting excise
Where to file. All filers should mail Form 720 with the
taxes for the calendar quarter, except for a one-time filing.
attached Form 8833 or disclosure statement to:
Follow the steps below to make a one-time filing.
Department of the Treasury
1. File Form 720 for the quarter in which you incur
Internal Revenue Service
liability for the tax. See When To File on page 1.
Cincinnati, OH 45999-0009
2. Pay the tax with Form 720. No deposits are required.
Also, see the Caution under Private Delivery Services on
3. If you are an individual and do not have an employer
page 2.
identification number (EIN), enter your social security
number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number
(ITIN) on Form 720 and Form 720-V in the space for the
Part II
Sport fishing equipment (other than fishing rods and
4. Check the one-time filing box on the line for the gas
fishing poles) (IRS No. 41). The tax on sport fishing
guzzler tax.
equipment is 10% (.10) of the sales price. The tax is paid by
Vaccine taxes (IRS No. 97). A tax is imposed on the sale
the manufacturer, producer, or importer. Taxable articles
or use of a vaccine manufactured, produced, or entered into
include reels, fly fishing lines (and other lines not over 130
the United States at $.75 per dose if it:
pounds test), fishing spears, spear guns, spear tips, terminal
Contains diptheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, pertussis
tackle, fishing supplies and accessories, and any parts or
bacteria, extracted or partial cell bacteria, specific pertussis
accessories sold on or in connection with these articles. See
antigens, or polio virus;
Publication 510 for a complete list of taxable articles. Add
Is against measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis
the tax on each sale during the quarter and enter the total
B, chicken pox, rotavirus gastroenteritis, or human
on the line for IRS No. 41.
Fishing rods and fishing poles (IRS No. 110). The tax on
Is any HIB (haemophilus influenza type B) vaccine;
fishing rods and fishing poles (and component parts) taxed
Is any meningococcal vaccine;
at a rate of 10% will have a maximum tax of $10 per article.
Is any conjugate vaccine against streptococcus
pneumoniae; or
The tax is paid by the manufacturer, producer, or importer.
Is any trivalent vaccine against influenza.
Add the tax on each sale during the quarter and enter the
total on the line for IRS No. 110.
If any taxable vaccine is combined with one or more
additional taxable vaccines, then the tax is imposed on each
Electric outboard motors (IRS No. 42). The tax on an
vaccine included in the combination.
electric outboard motor is 3% (.03) of the sales price. The
Example. MMR contains three taxable vaccines:
tax is paid by the manufacturer, producer, or importer. Add
measles, mumps, and rubella. The tax per dose on MMR is
the tax on each sale during the quarter and enter the total
$2.25 (3 x $.75).
on the line for IRS No. 42.
Add the tax for each taxable vaccine and enter the total
Fishing tackle boxes (IRS No. 114). The tax on fishing
tax on the line for IRS No. 97.
tackle boxes is 3% (.03) of the sales price. The tax is paid
by the manufacturer, producer, or importer. Add the tax on
Foreign Insurance Taxes
each sale during the quarter and enter the total on the line
Policies issued by foreign insurers (IRS No. 30). Enter
for IRS No. 114.
the amount of premiums paid during the quarter on policies
Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points (IRS No. 44).
issued by foreign insurers. Multiply the premiums paid by
The tax on bows is 11% (.11) of the sales price. The tax is
the rates listed on Form 720 and enter the total for the three
paid by the manufacturer, producer, or importer. It applies to
types of insurance on the line for IRS No. 30.
bows having a peak draw weight of 30 pounds or more. The
Who must file. The person who pays the premium to
tax is also imposed on the sale of any part or accessory
the foreign insurer (or to any nonresident person such as a
suitable for inclusion in or attachment to a taxable bow and
foreign broker) must pay the tax and file the return.
any quiver, broadhead, or point suitable for use with arrows
Otherwise, any person who issued or sold the policy, or who
described below. Add the tax on each sale during the
is insured under the policy, is required to pay the tax and file
quarter and enter the total on the line for IRS No. 44.
the return.
Treaty-based return positions under section 6114.
Arrow shafts (IRS No. 106). The tax on arrow shafts is
Foreign insurers and reinsurers who take the position that a
$.43 per arrow shaft. The tax is paid by the manufacturer,
treaty of the United States overrules, or otherwise modifies,
producer, or importer of any arrow shaft (whether sold
an Internal Revenue law of the United States must disclose
separately or incorporated as part of a finished or unfinished
such position. This disclosure must be made once a year on
product) of a type used in the manufacture of any arrow
a statement which must report the payments of premiums
which after its assembly meets either of the following
that are exempt from the excise tax on policies issued by
foreign insurers for the previous calendar year. This
It measures 18 inches or more in overall length.
statement is filed with the 1st quarter Form 720, which is
It measures less than 18 inches in overall length but is
due before May 1 of each year.
suitable for use with a taxable bow, described earlier.
You may be able to use Form 8833, Treaty-Based Return
Add the tax on each sale during the quarter and enter the
Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b), as a
total on the line for IRS No. 106.
disclosure statement.


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