Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 4


Where to file. Do not file the uncollected tax report with
Kerosene (IRS No. 35). If you are liable for the kerosene
Form 720. Instead, mail the report to:
tax on removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons on
line 35(a). If you are liable for the kerosene tax on events
Internal Revenue Service
other than removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons
Excise Tax Program
of kerosene on line 35(b).
SE:S:SP:EX MS C9 – 109
5000 Ellin Rd.
Multiply the total number of gallons subject to tax on lines
Lanham, MD 20706
(a) and (b) by $.244 and make one entry in the tax column.
Fuel Taxes
Also see Schedule T — Two-Party Exchange Information
Reporting on page 9 if applicable.
First taxpayer’s report. If you are reporting gallons of
taxable fuel that may again be subject to tax, you may need
Kerosene for use in aviation (IRS Nos. 69, 77, and 111).
to file a first taxpayer’s report. The report must contain all
Generally, kerosene is taxed at $.244 per gallon.
the information as shown in the Model Certificate B in the
For kerosene removed directly from a terminal into the
Appendix of Publication 510.
fuel tank of an aircraft for use in noncommercial aviation, the
tax rate is $.219 per gallon. Report these gallons on the line
The person who paid the first tax must:
Give a copy of the first taxpayer’s report to the buyer;
for IRS No. 69.
File the first taxpayer’s report with Form 720 for the
For kerosene removed directly from a terminal into the
quarter for which the report relates; and
fuel tank of an aircraft for use in commercial aviation (other
than foreign trade), the tax rate is generally $.044 per gallon.
the top of a separate copy of the report, and by the due date
Report these gallons on the line for IRS No. 77.
of Form 720, send the copy to:
For kerosene removed directly from a terminal into the
Department of the Treasury
fuel tank of an aircraft for nontaxable uses, the tax rate is
Internal Revenue Service
generally $.001 per gallon. Report these gallons on the line
Cincinnati, OH 45999-0555
for IRS No. 111.
Diesel fuel (IRS No. 60). If you are liable for the diesel fuel
Other fuels (IRS No. 79). You are liable for the tax on the
tax on removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons on
fuels listed below when they are delivered into the fuel
line 60(a). If you are liable for the diesel fuel tax on events
supply tank of a motor vehicle or motorboat (or trains for
other than removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons
B-100). Use the following table to determine the tax for each
on line 60(b). If you are liable for the diesel fuel tax because
gallon. Fill in the number of gallons and the appropriate rate
you have produced diesel fuel by blending biodiesel with
in the Rate column on the line for IRS No. 79. If more than
taxed diesel fuel outside of the bulk transfer/terminal
one rate applies, leave the Rate column blank and attach a
system, report these gallons of biodiesel on line 60(c). If you
schedule showing the rates and number of gallons taxed at
report gallons on line 60(c), do not report those gallons on
each rate.
line 60(b).
Tax Rate
per Gallon
Multiply the total number of gallons subject to tax on lines
(a), (b), and (c) by $.244 and make one entry in the tax
Qualified —
Ethanol produced from coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methanol produced from coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Also see Schedule T — Two-Party Exchange Information
Partially exempt —
Reporting on page 9 if applicable.
Ethanol produced from natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methanol produced from natural gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Diesel-water fuel emulsion (IRS No. 104). If you are
B-100 (100% biodiesel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other fuels not shown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liable for the reduced rate (see below) of tax on a
diesel-water fuel emulsion removal at the terminal rack or
other taxable event, report these gallons on the line for IRS
Gasoline (IRS No. 62). If you are liable for the gasoline tax
No. 104.
on removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons on line
62(a). If you are liable for the gasoline tax on events other
Requirements. All of the following requirements must
than removal at the terminal rack, report these gallons on
be met to be eligible for the reduced rate: (a) the
line 62(b). If you are liable for the gasoline tax because you
diesel-water fuel emulsion must contain at least 14% water,
have blended alcohol with taxed gasoline outside of the bulk
(b) the emulsion additive must be registered by a United
transfer/terminal system, report these gallons of alcohol on
States manufacturer with the EPA under section 211 of the
line 62(c). If you report gallons on line 62(c), do not report
Clean Air Act, and (c) the taxpayer must be registered by
those gallons on line 62(b).
the IRS. If these requirements are not met, you must report
the sale, removal, or use of a diesel-water fuel emulsion as
Multiply the total number of gallons subject to tax on lines
diesel fuel.
(a), (b), and (c) by $.184. Combine the tax for lines (a), (b),
IRS Nos. 105, 107, 119, and 111. Tax is imposed at $.001
and (c), and make one entry in the tax column.
per gallon on removals, entries, and sales of gasoline, diesel
fuel, and kerosene described as exempt transactions.
Also see Schedule T — Two-Party Exchange Information
IRS No. 105, Dyed diesel fuel, LUST tax.
Reporting on page 9 if applicable.
IRS No. 107, Dyed kerosene, LUST tax.
Aviation gasoline (IRS No. 14). Aviation gasoline is taxed
IRS No. 119, LUST tax, other exempt removals. Report
at the rate shown on Form 720.
gasoline blendstocks, kerosene used for a feedstock
purpose, and diesel fuel or kerosene sold or used in Alaska.
Alternative fuel (IRS Nos. 112, 118, and 120 – 124).
IRS No. 111, Kerosene for use in aviation, LUST tax on
Alternative fuel is any liquid other than gas oil, fuel oil, or
nontaxable uses. Report gallons of kerosene removed
any product taxable under Internal Revenue Code section
directly from a terminal into the fuel tank of an aircraft for
4081. You are liable for tax on alternative fuel delivered into
nontaxable uses.
the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle or motorboat, or on
Multiply the total number of gallons subject to tax for each
certain bulk sales. Report the tax on the line for the IRS No.
fuel by $.001 and make the entry in the tax column.
listed in the following table.


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