Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 3


Collectors using the alternative method for deposits.
Collectors using the alternative method for deposits must
Form 720 must be signed by a person authorized by the
adjust their separate accounts for the credit or refund. For
entity to sign this return.
more information, see Alternative method on page 8.
Third Party Designee
Form 720 taxpayers. Credits or refunds for nontaxable
service that was billed after February 28, 2003, and before
If you want to allow an employee of your business, a return
August 1, 2006, can be requested by taxpayers only on their
preparer, or other third party to discuss your Form 720 with
2006 federal income tax returns. Instructions to request the
the IRS, check the “Yes” box in the Third Party Designee
credit or refund are available with the 2006 income tax
section of Form 720. Also, enter the designee’s name,
returns. Do not use Form 8849, Form 720, or Form 843 to
phone number, and any five digits that person chooses as
make claims for nontaxable service; the IRS will not process
his or her personal identification number (PIN).
these claims.
By checking the “Yes” box, you are authorizing the IRS to
speak with the designee to answer any questions relating to
Air Transportation Taxes
the processing of or the information reported on
Form 720. You are also authorizing the designee to:
Who Must File
Exchange information concerning Form 720 with the IRS,
The person receiving the payment for air transportation
services must collect and pay over the tax and file the
Respond to certain IRS notices that you have shared with
return. Enter the amount of tax collected or considered
your designee relating to Form 720. The IRS will not send
collected for the quarter.
notices to your designee.
You are not authorizing the designee to receive any
Transportation of Persons by Air (IRS No. 26)
refund check, bind you to anything (including additional tax
The tax on transportation of persons by air is made up of the
liability), or otherwise represent you before the IRS. If you
percentage tax and the domestic segment tax. Add the
want to expand the designee’s authority, see Publication
percentage tax and the domestic segment tax to get the
947, Practice Before the IRS and Power of Attorney.
total tax on transportation of persons by air.
The authorization will automatically expire 1 year from the
due date (without regard to extensions) for filing your Form
Percentage tax. The percentage tax is 7.5% for amounts
720. If you or your designee want to revoke this
paid for taxable transportation of persons by air.
authorization, send a written statement of revocation to the
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service,
Domestic segment tax. For amounts paid for each
Cincinnati, OH 45999. See Publication 947 for more
domestic segment of taxable transportation of persons by
air, the domestic segment tax is $3.50 per segment for
transportation that begins in 2008.
Part I
Rural airports. If a segment is to or from a rural airport,
the domestic segment tax does not apply.
Environmental Taxes
Use Form 6627, Environmental Taxes, to figure the
Transportation of Property by Air (IRS No. 28)
environmental taxes on:
The tax is 6.25% of amounts paid for transportation of
Oil spill liability, IRS Nos. 18 and 21;
property by air.
Ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs), IRS No. 98;
Imported products that used ODCs as materials in the
Use of International Air Travel Facilities
manufacture or production of the product, IRS No. 19; and
(IRS No. 27)
The floor stocks tax on ODCs, IRS No. 20 (reported in
Part II).
For amounts paid during 2008 the tax on international flights
Attach Form 6627 to Form 720. The tax rates for these
$15.40 per person for flights that begin or end in the
taxes are shown on Form 6627.
United States, or
Communications Taxes
$7.70 per person for domestic segments that begin or end
in Alaska or Hawaii (applies only to departures).
Who Must File
The person receiving the payment for communications
Communication and Air Transportation
services must collect and pay over the tax and file the
Taxes—Uncollected Tax Report
return. Enter the amount of tax collected or considered
A separate report is required to be filed by collecting agents
collected for the quarter.
of communications services (local and teletypewriter
Communications Services (IRS No. 22)
service) and air transportation taxes if the person from
whom the facilities or services tax (the tax) is required to be
The tax is 3% of amounts paid for local telephone service
collected (the taxpayer) refuses to pay the tax, or it is
and teletypewriter exchange service.
impossible for the collecting agent to collect the tax. The
Credits or Refunds
report must contain the name and address of the taxpayer,
the type of facility provided or service rendered, the amount
If tax is collected and paid over for nontaxable services from
paid for the facility or service (the amount on which the tax is
the communications tax, the collector or taxpayer may
based), and the date paid.
request a credit or refund as described below and in Notices
2006-50 and 2007-11.
Regular method taxpayers. For regular method
Collectors. The collector may request a credit or refund
taxpayers, the report must be filed by the due date of the
only if it has repaid the tax to the person from whom the tax
Form 720 on which the tax would have been reported.
was collected, or obtained the consent of that person to the
allowance of the credit or refund. These requirements also
Alternative method taxpayers. For alternative method
apply to nontaxable service refunds.
taxpayers, the report must be filed by the due date of the
Collectors using the regular method for deposits.
Form 720 that includes an adjustment to the separate
Collectors using the regular method for deposits must use
account for the uncollected tax. See Alternative method on
Form 720X to request a credit or refund.
page 8.


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