Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 14


Line 15d. Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion
fuel, use the blank lines 15f through 15i, or attach a
separate sheet listing the fuels, amount, and CRN.
The claim rate for the nontaxable use of a diesel-water fuel
emulsion taxed at $.198 (CRN 309) is $.197. The fuel must
Claim rates. The claim rates are shown below.
have been used during the period of claim for type of use 1,
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 12. For type of use 5, the claim rate is
Claim Rate
$.124 (CRN 309). For type of use 3 (exported), the claim
rate is $.198 (CRN 306) and is reported on line 15d.
The claim rate for undyed diesel fuel taxed at $.244 (CRN
310) and used to produce a diesel-water fuel emulsion is
$.046 per gallon of diesel fuel so used (blender claims). The
claimant must attach a statement certifying that (a) the
claimant produced a diesel-water fuel emulsion containing at
least 14% water, (b) the emulsion additive is registered by a
United States manufacturer under section 211 of the Clean
Line 15f. Other Claims
Air Act with the EPA, (c) the claimant used undyed diesel
fuel taxed at $.244 to produce the diesel-water emulsion,
Do not use line 15f to make communication tax
and (d) the claimant sold or used the diesel-water fuel
claims for nontaxable service. See Communications
emulsion in the blender’s trade or business. The blender
Taxes on page 3.
claimant must be registered by the IRS and must enter their
registration number on line 15d and enter the applicable
Use line 15f for claims relating to taxes listed in the table
below. See Pub. 510 for information on allowable claims
relating to these taxes. If you need additional space, attach
Claim requirements. See Claim requirements for lines 1
other sheet(s). You must include the following information
through 6 and lines 15b – 15d on page 10.
for each claim.
Line 15e. Registered Credit Card Issuers
A detailed description of the claim.
Any additional information required by the regulations.
Allowable sales. The gasoline (CRN 362), aviation
The amount of the claim.
gasoline (CRN 324), diesel fuel (CRN 360), kerosene (CRN
How you figured the claim amount.
346), or kerosene for use in aviation (CRN 369) must have
Any other information to support the claim.
been purchased with a credit card issued to the ultimate
Claim requirement. Generally, the claim must be filed
purchaser during the period of claim:
within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years
For gasoline or aviation gasoline, for the exclusive use by
from the time the tax was paid, whichever is later.
a state or local government (including essential government
use by an Indian tribal government) or for the exclusive use
of a nonprofit educational organization; or
For diesel fuel, kerosene, or kerosene for use in aviation,
Ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs)
for the exclusive use by a state or local government
Oil spill liability
(including essential government use by an Indian tribal
Truck, trailer, and semitrailer chassis and bodies, and
Claimant. The registered credit card issuer is the only
person eligible to make this claim if the credit card issuer:
Passenger vehicles (luxury tax)
1. Is registered by the IRS;
Taxable tires other than biasply or super single tires
2. Has not collected the amount of tax from the ultimate
Taxable tires, biasply or super single tires (other than
purchaser or has obtained the written consent of the
super single tires designed for steering)
ultimate purchaser to make the claim;
3. Certifies that it has repaid or agreed to repay the
Taxable tires, super single tires designed for steering
amount of tax to the ultimate vendor, has obtained the
Gas guzzler automobiles
written consent of the ultimate vendor to make the claim, or
has otherwise made arrangements which directly or
indirectly provide the ultimate vendor with reimbursement of
Sport fishing equipment
the tax; and
Fishing rods and fishing poles
4. Has in its possession an unexpired certificate from the
ultimate purchaser and has no reason to believe any of the
Fishing tackle boxes
information in the certificate is false. See Model Certificate R
Electric outboard motors
in Pub. 510.
Bows, quivers, broadheads, and points
If any of these conditions is not met, the credit card issuer
Arrow shafts
must collect the tax from the ultimate purchaser and only the
ultimate purchaser can make the claim.
Claim requirements. The following requirements must be
Unresolved Tax Issues
1. The claim must be for gasoline, aviation gasoline,
If you have attempted to deal with an IRS problem
diesel fuel, kerosene, or kerosene for use in aviation sold
unsuccessfully, you should contact the Taxpayer Advocate.
during a period that is at least 1 week.
The Taxpayer Advocate independently represents your
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200 ($100
interests and concerns within the IRS by protecting your
for kerosene or kerosene for use in aviation).
rights and resolving problems that have not been fixed
3. Claims must be filed by the last day of the first quarter
through normal channels.
following the earliest quarter of the claimant’s income tax
While Taxpayer Advocates cannot change the tax law or
year included in the claim. For example, a calendar year
make a technical tax decision, they can clear up problems
income taxpayer’s claim for the first quarter is due June 30 if
that resulted from previous contacts and ensure that your
filed on Form 8849. However, Form 720 must be filed by
case is given a complete and impartial review.
April 30.
4. The claimant must enter its registration number on line
Your assigned personal advocate will listen to your point
15e, the amount of the claim, and the applicable CRN (see
of view and will work with you to address your concerns.
Allowable sales above). If the claim is for more than one
You can expect the advocate to provide you with:


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