Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 13


How to claim the credit. Any alcohol fuel mixture credit
Registration number. If you are a registered blender or a
must first be taken on Schedule C to reduce your taxable
taxable fuel registrant, enter your registration number on line
fuel liability for gasoline, diesel fuel, and kerosene reported
on Form 720. Any excess credit may be taken on Schedule
Line 14. Alternative Fuel Credit and
C (Form 720), Form 8849, Form 4136, or Form 6478. See
Notice 2005-4 and Notice 2005-62 for more information.
Alternative Fuel Mixture Credit
Claim requirements. The following requirements must be
Claimant. For the alternative fuel credit, the registered
met if the credit exceeds the amount of taxable fuel liability
alternative fueler who (1) sold an alternative fuel at retail and
delivered it into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle or
1. The claim must be for an alcohol fuel mixture sold or
motorboat, (2) sold an alternative fuel, delivered it in bulk for
used during a period that is at least 1 week.
taxable use in a motor vehicle or motorboat, and received
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200. To
the required statement from the buyer, or (3) used an
meet this minimum, amounts from lines 12, 13, and 14 may
alternative fuel (not sold at retail or in bulk as previously
be combined.
described) in a motor vehicle or motorboat is the only
person eligible to make this claim.
If requirements 1 and 2 above are not met, see Annual
For the alternative fuel mixture credit, the registered
Claims below.
alternative fueler that produced and sold or used the mixture
Registration number. If you are a registered blender or a
as a fuel in their trade or business is the only person eligible
taxable fuel registrant, enter your registration number on line
to make this claim. The credit is based on the gallons of
alternative fuel in the mixture.
Line 13. Biodiesel or Renewable Diesel
How to claim the credit. Any alternative fuel credit must
first be taken on Schedule C to reduce your liability for
Mixture Credit
alternative fuel and CNG reported on Form 720. Any
Claimant. The person that produced and sold or used the
alternative fuel mixture credit must first be taken on
mixture in their trade or business is the only person eligible
Schedule C to reduce your taxable fuel liability for gasoline,
to make this claim. The credit is based on the gallons of
diesel fuel, and kerosene reported on Form 720. Any excess
biodiesel or renewable diesel in the mixture.
alternative fuel credit and alternative fuel mixture credit may
How to claim the credit. Any biodiesel or renewable
be taken on Schedule C (Form 720), Form 8849, or Form
diesel mixture credit must first be taken on Schedule C to
reduce your taxable fuel liability for gasoline, diesel fuel, and
Claim requirements. To claim either credit, you must be
kerosene reported on Form 720. Any excess credit may be
registered by the IRS. To claim the alternative fuel mixture
taken on Schedule C (Form 720), Form 8849, Form 4136, or
credit, the following requirements must be met if the credit
Form 8864. See Notice 2005-4 and item 4 below for more
exceeds the amount of taxable fuel liability reported.
1. The claim must be for an alternative fuel mixture sold
Claim requirements. Requirements 1 and 2 must be met
or used (as described earlier under Claimant) during a
only if the credit exceeds the amount of taxable fuel liability
period that is at least 1 week.
reported. Requirements 3 and 4 must be met for all claims.
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200. To
1. The claim must be for a biodiesel or renewable diesel
meet the minimum, amounts from lines 12, 13, and 14 may
mixture sold or used during a period that is at least 1 week.
be combined.
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200. To
meet this minimum, amounts from lines 12, 13, and 14 may
If requirements 1 and 2 above are not met, see Annual
be combined.
Claims below.
3. The biodiesel used to produce the biodiesel mixture
Registration number. You must enter your registration
must meet ASTM D6751 and meet the Environmental
number in the space provided.
Protection Agency’s (EPA) registration requirements for
Form 720X. If you are not registered, you cannot make
fuels and fuel additives under section 211 of the Clean Air
a claim at this time. Use Form 637 to apply for registration.
Act. The renewable diesel used to produce the renewable
After you are registered by the IRS, file Form 720X to claim
diesel mixture must be derived from biomass (as defined in
the credit for this period.
section 45K(c)(3)) using a thermal depolymerization
process, meet ASTM D975 or D396, and meet EPA’s
Annual Claims
registration requirements for fuels and fuel additives under
If a claim on lines 1 – 9, 12 – 14, or 15b – 15e was not made
section 211 of the Clean Air Act.
for any gallons, an annual claim may be made. Generally,
4. The Certificate for Biodiesel and, if applicable,
an annual claim is made on Form 4136 for the income tax
Statement of Biodiesel Reseller must be attached to the first
year during which the fuel was used by the ultimate
claim filed that is supported by the certificate or statement.
purchaser, sold by the registered ultimate vendor, used to
For the renewable diesel mixture credit, you must edit the
produce an alcohol fuel mixture and biodiesel mixture, or
certificate and, if applicable, statement to indicate that the
used in mobile machinery. See Form 4136 for more
fuel to which the certificate and statement relate is
renewable diesel and state that the renewable diesel meets
the requirements discussed above under requirement 3.
Line 15. Other Claims
See Model Certificate O and Model Statement S in Pub.
510. If the certificate and statement are not attached to
For claims under section 6416(b)(2) relating to certain uses
Form 720 because they are attached to a previously-filed
and resales of certain articles subject to manufacturers or
claim on Schedule 3 (Form 8849), attach a separate sheet
retailers excise taxes, claimant certifies that it sold the article
with the following information.
at a tax-excluded price, repaid the amount of tax to the
ultimate vendor, or has obtained the written consent of the
a. Certificate identification number.
ultimate vendor to make the claim; and has the required
b. Total gallons of biodiesel or renewable diesel on
supporting information.
c. Total gallons claimed on Schedule 3 (Form 8849).
Lines 15b and 15c. Exported Dyed Diesel Fuel
d. Total gallons claimed on Schedule C (Form 720),
and Exported Dyed Kerosene
line 13.
For exported dyed diesel fuel and exported dyed kerosene,
If requirements 1 and 2 above are not met, see Annual
see Exported taxable fuel on page 10. The claim rate for
Claims below.
each fuel is $.001.


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