Instructions For Form 720 - Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return - 2008 Page 11


Type of use 5. Write “Bus” in the space to the left of the
Claim requirements. The following requirements must be
Type of use column. Enter the correct claim rate in the Rate
column. The claim rates for type of use 5 are listed below.
1. The claim must be for diesel fuel sold during a period
that is at least 1 week.
Line number
Claim rate
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200. To
meet this minimum requirement, amounts from lines 7, 8,
and 9 may be combined.
3. Claims must be filed by the last day of the first quarter
following the earliest quarter of the claimant’s income tax
year included in the claim. For example, a calendar year
income taxpayer’s claim for the first quarter is due June 30 if
filed on Form 8849. However, Form 720 must be filed by
April 30.
If requirements 1 – 3 above are not met, see Annual
Claims on page 13.
* This is the claim rate per gasoline gallon equivalent (126.67 cubic feet of CNG).
Registration number. Enter your UB registration number
Information for Claims on Lines 7–11
in the space provided.
Registration number. To make an ultimate vendor claim
Lines 8a and 8b. Sales By Registered
on lines 7 – 11, you must be registered. Enter your
Ultimate Vendors of Undyed Kerosene
registration number, including the prefix, on the applicable
(Other Than Kerosene Sold for Use in
line for your claim. If you are not registered, use Form 637,
Application for Registration (For Certain Excise Tax
Activities), to apply for a registration number.
Claimant. For line 8a, the registered ultimate vendor of the
Required certificates or waivers. The required
kerosene is the only person eligible to make this claim and
certificates or waivers for lines 7 – 11 are listed in the line
has obtained the required certificate from the buyer and has
instructions and are available in Pub. 510.
no reason to believe any information in the certificate is
false. See Model Certificate P in Pub. 510. For line 8b,
Line 7a. Sales By Registered Ultimate
claimant has a statement, if required, that contains the date
Vendors of Undyed Diesel Fuel
of sale, name and address of the buyer, and the number of
gallons of kerosene sold to the buyer. For lines 8a and 8b,
Claimant. For line 7a, the registered ultimate vendor of the
only one claim may be filed with respect to any gallon of
diesel fuel is the only person eligible to make this claim and
has obtained the required certificate from the buyer and has
no reason to believe any information in the certificate is
Allowable sales. The fuel must have been sold during the
false. See Model Certificate P in Pub. 510. Only one claim
period of claim:
may be filed with respect to any gallon of diesel fuel.
For line 8a, use by a state or local government (including
Allowable sales. The fuel must have been sold during the
essential government use by an Indian tribal government),
period of claim for the exclusive use by a state or local
government (including essential government use by an
For line 8b, from a blocked pump.
Indian tribal government).
Claim requirements. The following requirements must be
Claim requirements. The following requirements must be
1. The claim must be for kerosene sold during a period
1. The claim must be for diesel fuel sold during a period
that is at least 1 week.
that is at least 1 week.
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $100. To
2. The amount of the claim must be at least $200. To
meet this minimum, amounts from lines 8 and 9 may be
meet this minimum requirement, amounts from lines 7, 8,
and 9 may be combined.
3. Claims must be filed by the last day of the first quarter
3. Claims must be filed by the last day of the first quarter
following the earliest quarter of the claimant’s income tax
following the earliest quarter of the claimant’s income tax
year included in the claim. For example, a calendar year
year included in the claim. For example, a calendar year
income taxpayer’s claim for the first quarter is due June 30 if
income taxpayer’s claim for the first quarter is due June 30 if
filed on Form 8849. However, Form 720 must be filed by
filed on Form 8849. However, Form 720 must be filed by
April 30.
April 30.
If requirements 1 – 3 above are not met, see Annual
If requirements 1 – 3 above are not met, see Annual
Claims on page 13.
Claims on page 13.
Registration number. Enter your UV or UP registration
Registration number. Enter your UV registration number
number in the space provided.
in the space provided.
Information to be submitted. For claims on line 8a, attach
Information to be submitted. For claims on line 7a, attach
a separate sheet with the name and TIN of each
a separate sheet with the name and TIN of each
governmental unit to whom the kerosene was sold and the
governmental unit to whom the diesel fuel was sold and the
number of gallons sold to each.
number of gallons sold to each.
Line 7b. Sales by Registered Ultimate
Line 8c. Sales by Registered Ultimate
Vendors of Undyed Diesel Fuel for Use in
Vendors of Undyed Kerosene for Use in
Certain Intercity and Local Buses
Certain Intercity and Local Buses
Claimant. For line 7b, the registered ultimate vendor of the
Claimant. For line 8c, the registered ultimate vendor of the
diesel fuel is eligible to make a claim only if the buyer
kerosene is eligible to make a claim only if the buyer waives
waives his or her right to make the claim by providing the
his or her right to make the claim by providing the registered
registered ultimate vendor with an unexpired waiver. See
ultimate vendor with an unexpired waiver. See Model
Model Waiver N in Pub. 510. Only one claim may be filed
Waiver N in Pub. 510. Only one claim may be filed with
with respect to any gallon of diesel fuel.
respect to any gallon of kerosene.


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