Accounts (HSAs)) is greater than the
your IRA by April 1 of the year following
3. Complete line 53 as instructed.
contributions you made to your HSAs
the year in which you reach age 70
You must pay any tax due that is
(or those made on your behalf) for 2008
At that time, you can receive your entire
reported on line 53.
(Form 8889, line 2), enter the difference
interest in the IRA or begin receiving
The IRS will review the information
on line 43. Also include on your 2008
periodic distributions. If you choose to
you provide and decide whether to
Form 8889, line 13, the smaller of:
receive periodic distributions, you must
grant your request for a waiver.
Form 5329, line 43, or
receive a minimum required distribution
The excess, if any, of Form 5329,
each year. You can figure the minimum
For more details, see Pub. 590.
line 42, over Form 5329, line 44.
required distribution by dividing the
For 2009, you are not required
account balance of your IRAs (other
to take a minimum distribution
Line 47
than Roth IRAs) on December 31 of the
from your employer-provided
Enter the excess of your contributions
year preceding the distribution by the
qualified retirement plan or IRA. For
(including those made on your behalf)
applicable life expectancy. For
more details, see Pub. 575 or Pub. 590.
to your HSAs for 2008 (Form 8889, line
applicable life expectancies, see Pub.
2) over your contribution limit (Form
Privacy Act and Paperwork
8889, line 12). Also include on line 47
Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the
If the trustee, custodian, or issuer of
any excess contributions your employer
information on this form to carry out the
your IRA informs you of the minimum
made. See the instructions for Form
Internal Revenue laws of the United
required distribution, you can use that
8889 for details.
States. We need this information to
ensure that you are complying with
However, you can withdraw some or
If you have more than one IRA, you
all of the excess contributions for 2008
these laws and to allow us to figure and
can take the minimum required
collect the right amount of tax. You are
and they will not be treated as having
distribution from any one or more of the
required to give us this information if
been contributed if:
individual IRAs.
You make the withdrawal by the due
you made certain contributions or
For more details on the minimum
date, including extensions, of your 2008
received certain distributions from
distribution rules (including examples),
qualified plans, including IRAs, and
return, and
see Pub. 590.
You withdraw any income earned on
other tax-favored accounts. Our legal
the withdrawn contributions and include
right to ask for the information
A qualified charitable distribution
requested on this form is sections
the earnings in gross income for the
will count towards your
6001, 6011, 6012(a), and 6109 and
year in which you receive the withdrawn
minimum required distribution.
contributions and earnings.
their regulations. The reason we need
See Pub. 590 for more information.
your social security number is to secure
Roth IRA. There are no minimum
Include the withdrawn contributions
proper identification in order to gain
and related earnings on Form 8889,
required distributions during the lifetime
access to the tax information in our files
lines 14a and 14b.
of the owner of a Roth IRA. Following
to properly process the form. If you do
the death of the Roth IRA owner,
If you timely filed your return without
not file this information, or provide
required distribution rules apply to the
withdrawing the excess contributions,
incomplete or false information, you
beneficiary. See Pub. 590 for details.
you can still make the withdrawal no
may be subject to penalties.
Qualified retirement plans (other
later than 6 months after the due date
You are not required to provide the
than IRAs) and eligible section 457
of your tax return, excluding extensions.
information requested on a form that is
deferred compensation plans. In
If you do, file an amended return with
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
general, you must begin receiving
“Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2”
unless the form displays a valid OMB
distributions from your plan no later
written at the top. Report any related
control number. Books or records
than April 1 following the later of (a) the
earnings for 2008 on the amended
relating to a form or its instructions
year in which you reach age 70
or (b)
return and include an explanation of the
must be retained as long as their
the year in which you retire.
withdrawal. Make any other necessary
contents may become material in the
changes on the amended return (for
Exception. If you owned more than
administration of any Internal Revenue
example, if you reported the
5% of the employer maintaining the
law. Generally, tax returns and return
contributions as excess contributions
plan, you must begin receiving
information are confidential, as required
on your original return, include an
distributions no later than April 1 of the
by section 6103. However, we may give
amended Form 5329 reflecting that the
year following the year in which you
this information to the Department of
withdrawn contributions are no longer
reach age 70
, regardless of when you
Justice for civil and criminal litigation,
treated as having been contributed).
and to cities, states, and the District of
Your plan administrator should figure
Part VIII—Additional Tax
Columbia to carry out their tax laws. We
the amount that must be distributed
may also disclose this information to
on Excess Accumulation
each year.
other countries under a tax treaty, to
Waiver of tax. The IRS can waive part
federal and state agencies to enforce
in Qualified Retirement
or all of this tax if you can show that
federal nontax criminal laws, or to
any shortfall in the amount of
Plans (Including IRAs)
federal law enforcement and
distributions was due to reasonable
intelligence agencies to combat
You owe this tax if you do not receive
error and you are taking appropriate
the minimum required distribution from
steps to remedy the shortfall. If you
The average time and expenses
your qualified retirement plan, including
believe you qualify for this relief, attach
required to complete and file this form
an IRA or an eligible section 457
a statement of explanation and file
will vary depending on individual
deferred compensation plan. The
Form 5329 as follows.
circumstances. For the estimated
additional tax is 50% of the excess
1. Complete lines 50 and 51 as
averages, see the instructions for your
accumulation — the difference between
income tax return.
the amount that was required to be
2. Enter “RC” and the amount you
distributed and the amount that was
If you have suggestions for making
want waived in parentheses on the
actually distributed.
this form simpler, we would be happy to
dotted line next to line 52. Subtract this
hear from you. See the instructions for
Required Distributions
amount from the total shortfall you
your income tax return.
figured without regard to the waiver,
IRA (other than a Roth IRA). You
and enter the result on line 52.
must start receiving distributions from