Instructions For Form 706 - United States Estate (And Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return - 2008 Page 17


example, a power to amend only
and that the property is not otherwise
If the decedent retired before
administrative provisions of a trust that
includible in the gross estate.
January 1, 1985, see Annuities Under
cannot substantially affect the beneficial
Approved Plans on page 18 for rules
Schedule I—Annuities
enjoyment of the trust property or
that allow the exclusion of part or all of
income is not a power of appointment.
certain annuities.
You must complete Schedule l and file
A power to manage, invest, or control
it with the return if you answered “Yes”
Part Includible
assets, or to allocate receipts and
to question 15 of Part 4 — General
disbursements, when exercised only in
If the decedent contributed only part of
a fiduciary capacity, is not a power of
the purchase price of the contract or
Enter on Schedule I every annuity
agreement, include in the gross estate
that meets all of the conditions under
only that part of the value of the annuity
General power of appointment. A
General, below, and every annuity
receivable by the surviving beneficiary
general power of appointment is a
described in paragraphs (a) through (h)
that the decedent’s contribution to the
power that is exercisable in favor of the
of Annuities Under Approved Plans on
purchase price of the annuity or
decedent, the decedent’s estate, the
page 18, even if the annuities are
agreement bears to the total purchase
decedent’s creditors, or the creditors of
wholly or partially excluded from the
the decedent’s estate, except:
gross estate.
1. A power to consume, invade, or
For example, if the value of the
For a discussion regarding the QTIP
appropriate property for the benefit of
survivor’s annuity was $20,000 and the
treatment of certain joint and survivor
the decedent that is limited by an
decedent had contributed three-fourths
annuities, see the Form 706 itself,
ascertainable standard relating to
of the purchase price of the contract,
Schedule M, line 3 instructions.
health, education, support, or
the amount includible is $15,000 (
maintenance of the decedent.
2. A power exercisable by the
In general, you must include in the
Except as provided under Annuities
decedent only in conjunction with:
gross estate all or part of the value of
Under Approved Plans on page 18,
a. the creator of the power or
any annuity that meets the following
contributions made by the decedent’s
b. a person who has a substantial
employer to the purchase price of the
interest in the property subject to the
It is receivable by a beneficiary
contract or agreement are considered
power, which is adverse to the exercise
following the death of the decedent and
made by the decedent if they were
of the power in favor of the decedent.
by reason of surviving the decedent;
made by the employer because of the
The annuity is under a contract or
decedent’s employment. For more
A part of a power is considered a
agreement entered into after March 3,
information, see section 2039.
general power of appointment if the
The annuity was payable to the
1. May only be exercised by the
decedent (or the decedent possessed
Annuity. The term “annuity” includes
decedent in conjunction with another
the right to receive the annuity) either
one or more payments extending over
person and
alone or in conjunction with another, for
any period of time. The payments may
2. Is also exercisable in favor of the
the decedent’s life or for any period not
be equal or unequal, conditional or
other person (in addition to being
ascertainable without reference to the
unconditional, periodic or sporadic.
exercisable in favor of the decedent,
decedent’s death or for any period that
the decedent’s creditors, the decedent’s
did not in fact end before the
Examples. The following are
estate, or the creditors of the
decedent’s death; and
examples of contracts (but not
decedent’s estate).
The contract or agreement is not a
necessarily the only forms of contracts)
policy of insurance on the life of the
for annuities that must be included in
The part to include in the gross
the gross estate.
estate as a general power of
These rules apply to all types of
1. A contract under which the
appointment is figured by dividing the
annuities, including pension plans,
decedent immediately before death was
value of the property by the number of
individual retirement arrangements,
receiving or was entitled to receive, for
persons (including the decedent) in
purchased commercial annuities, and
the duration of life, an annuity with
favor of whom the power is exercisable.
private annuities.
payments to continue after death to a
Date power was created. Generally,
designated beneficiary, if surviving the
Note. A private annuity is an annuity
a power of appointment created by will
issued from a party not engaged in the
is considered created on the date of the
2. A contract under which the
business of writing annuity contracts,
testator’s death.
decedent immediately before death was
typically a junior generation family
A power of appointment created by
receiving or was entitled to receive,
member or a family trust.
an inter vivos instrument is considered
together with another person, an
An annuity contract that provides
created on the date the instrument
annuity payable to the decedent and
periodic payments to a person for life
takes effect. If the holder of a power
the other person for their joint lives,
and ceases at the person’s death is not
exercises it by creating a second
with payments to continue to the
includible in the gross estate. Social
power, the second power is considered
survivor following the death of either.
Security benefits are not includible in
as created at the time of the exercise of
3. A contract or agreement entered
the gross estate even if the surviving
the first.
into by the decedent and employer
spouse receives benefits.
under which the decedent immediately
An annuity or other payment that is
before death and following retirement
If the decedent ever possessed a
not includible in the decedent’s or the
was receiving, or was entitled to
power of appointment, attach a certified
survivor’s gross estate as an annuity
receive, an annuity payable to the
or verified copy of the instrument
may still be includible under some other
decedent for life and after the
granting the power and a certified or
applicable provision of the law. For
decedent’s death to a designated
verified copy of any instrument by
example, see Powers of Appointment
beneficiary, if surviving the decedent,
which the power was exercised or
on page 16 and the Instructions for
whether the payments after the
released. You must file these copies
Schedule G — Transfers During
decedent’s death are fixed by the
even if you contend that the power was
Decedent’s Life on page 15. See also
contract or subject to an option or
not a general power of appointment,
Regulations section 20.2039-1(e).
election exercised or exercisable by the
Instructions for Schedules


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