Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals - 2006 Page 7


Figure the difference between the AMT
Line 27—Alternative Tax Net
b. Ninety percent of AMTI for the tax
and regular tax amount for each item.
year (figured without regard to the
Operating Loss Deduction
Combine the amounts for all your related
ATNOLD and any domestic production
adjustments and include the total on line
activities deduction, as discussed earlier),
The ATNOLD is the sum of the alternative
26. Keep a copy of all computations for
tax net operating loss (ATNOL)
2. The smaller of:
your records, including any AMT
carryovers and carrybacks to the tax year,
carryover and basis amounts.
a. The sum of the ATNOL carrybacks
subject to the limitation explained below.
and carryforwards to the tax year
Figure your ATNOLD as follows.
attributable to qualified Gulf Opportunity
Do not include on line 26 any
Your ATNOL for a loss year is the
Zone losses, or
adjustment for an item you
excess of the deductions allowed for
b. AMTI for the tax year (figured
refigured on another line of this
figuring AMTI (excluding the ATNOLD)
without regard to the ATNOLD and any
form (for example, line 9).
over the income included in AMTI. Figure
domestic production activities deduction,
this excess with the modifications in
as discussed earlier) reduced by the
Example. On your Schedule C (Form
section 172(d), taking into account the
amount determined under (1), above.
1040) you have a net profit of $9,000
adjustments in sections 56 and 58 and
before figuring your section 179
preferences in section 57 (that is, the
Enter on line 27 the smaller of the
deduction. You do not report any other
section 172(d) modifications must be
ATNOLD or the ATNOLD limitation.
business income on your return. During
separately figured for the ATNOL). For
Any ATNOL not used may be carried
the year, you purchased an asset for
example, the limitation of nonbusiness
back 2 years or forward up to 20 years
$10,000 for which you elect to take the
deductions to the amount of nonbusiness
(15 years for loss years beginning before
section 179 deduction. You also have an
income must be separately figured for the
1998). In some cases, the carryback
AMT depreciation adjustment of $700 for
ATNOL, using only nonbusiness income
period is longer than 2 years; see
other assets depreciated on your
and deductions that are included in AMTI.
sections 172(b) and 1400N(k) for details.
Schedule C.
Your ATNOLD may be limited. To
The treatment of ATNOLs does not affect
figure the ATNOLD limitation, you must
your regular tax NOL.
Your section 179 deduction for the
first figure your AMTI without regard to
Note. If you elected under section
regular tax is limited to your net profit
the ATNOLD and any domestic
172(b)(3) to forgo the carryback period for
(before any section 179 deduction) of
production activities deduction. To do this,
the regular tax, the election also applies
$9,000. The $1,000 excess is a section
first figure a tentative amount for line 9 by
for the AMT.
179 deduction carryforward for the regular
treating line 27 as if it were zero. Next,
figure a tentative total of lines 1 through
Line 28—Alternative Minimum
26 using the tentative line 9 amount and
Taxable Income
treating line 27 as if it were zero. Add any
For the AMT, your net profit is $9,700,
domestic production activities deduction
If your filing status is married filing
and you are allowed a section 179
separately and line 28 is more than
to this tentative total. Your ATNOLD
deduction of $9,700 for the AMT. You
limitation is 90% of the result.
$200,100, you must include an additional
have a section 179 deduction
amount on line 28. If line 28 is $325,200
However, if an ATNOL that is carried
carryforward of $300 for the AMT.
or more, include an additional $31,275.
back or carried forward to the tax year is
Otherwise, include 25% of the excess of
attributable to qualified Gulf Opportunity
You include a $700 negative
the amount on line 28 over $200,100. For
Zone losses as defined in section
adjustment on line 26 because your
example, if the amount on line 28 is
1400N(k)(2), the ATNOLD for the tax year
section 179 deduction for the AMT is
$220,100, enter $225,100 instead — the
is limited to the sum of:
$700 greater than your allowable regular
additional $5,000 is 25% of $20,000
1. The smaller of:
tax deduction. In the following year, when
($220,100 minus $200,100).
you use the $1,000 regular tax
a. The sum of the ATNOL carrybacks
Special Rule for Holders of a
carryforward, you will have a $700
and carryforwards to the tax year
Residual Interest in a REMIC
positive related adjustment for the AMT
attributable to net operating losses other
because your AMT carryforward is only
than qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone
If you held a residual interest in a real
losses, or
estate mortgage investment conduit
(REMIC) in 2006, the amount you enter
Exemption Worksheet —Line 29
Keep for Your Records
on line 28 may not be less than the
amount on Schedule E, line 38, column
Note. If Form 6251, line 28, is equal to or more than: $282,500 if single or head of household; $400,200 if
(c). If the amount in column (c) is larger
married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er); or $200,100 if married filing separately; your exemption is zero. Do
than the amount you would otherwise
not complete this worksheet; instead, enter the amount from Form 6251, line 28, on line 30 and go to line 31.
enter on line 28, enter the amount from
1. Enter: $42,500 if single or head of household; $62,550 if married filing
column (c) instead and enter “Sch. Q” on
jointly or qualifying widow(er); $31,275 if married filing separately . . . .
the dotted line next to line 28.
2. Enter your alternative minimum taxable income
(AMTI) from Form 6251, line 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part II—Alternative
3. Enter: $112,500 if single or head of household;
Minimum Tax
$150,000 if married filing jointly or qualifying
widow(er); $75,000 if married filing separately . . .
Line 29—Exemption Amount
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0-
5. Multiply line 4 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If line 28 is more than the amount shown
6. Subtract line 5 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-. If this form is for a
for your filing status in the middle column
child under age 18, go to line 7 below. Otherwise, stop here and
of the chart on line 29, see the worksheet
enter this amount on Form 6251, line 29, and go to Form 6251, line
on this page to figure the amount to enter
30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
on line 29.
7. Child’s minimum exemption amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Child Under Age 18
8. Enter the child’s earned income, if any (see instructions) . . . . . . . . .
9. Add lines 7 and 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If this form is for a child under age 18,
10. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 9 here and on Form 6251, line 29,
complete the worksheet on this page. A
and go to Form 6251, line 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
child under age 18 is a child who was
born after January 1, 1989, does not file a


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