Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals - 2006 Page 5


the difference between the rules for the
AMT Form 8582. Carry the loss forward
described in section 460(b) to determine
regular tax and the AMT. Include on this
to 2007 to see if you have a gain or loss
your income from any long-term contract
line the current year adjustment to taxable
from tax shelter passive farm activities for
(defined in section 460(f)). However, this
income, if any, resulting from the
rule does not apply to any home
construction contract (as defined in
section 460(e)(6)). For contracts excepted
Line 18—Passive Activities
If at the end of the tax year your liabilities
from the percentage-of-completion
exceed the fair market value of your
Your passive activity gains and losses
method for the regular tax by section
assets, increase your passive activity loss
must be refigured for the AMT by taking
460(e)(1), you must use the simplified
allowed by that excess (but not by more
into account all adjustments and
procedures for allocating costs outlined in
than your total loss). See section 58(c)(1).
preferences and any AMT prior year
section 460(b)(3) to determine the
unallowed losses that apply to that
percentage of completion.
Line 19—Loss Limitations
activity. You may fill out a second Form
Enter the difference between the AMT
For passive activities, see the line 18
8582, Passive Activity Loss Limitations,
and regular tax income. If the AMT
instructions instead. For tax shelter farm
and the other forms or schedules on
income is smaller, enter the difference as
activities (that are not passive), see the
which your passive activities are reported,
a negative amount.
line 26 instructions on page 6.
to determine your passive activity loss
allowed for the AMT, but do not file the
Refigure your gains and losses from
Note. If you are required to use the
second set of forms and schedules with
activities for which you are not at risk and
percentage-of-completion method for
your tax return.
either the regular tax or the AMT, you
basis limitations applicable to
may owe or be entitled to a refund of
partnerships and S corporations by taking
Example. You are a partner in a
interest for the tax year the contract is
into account all AMT adjustments and
partnership and the Schedule K-1 (Form
completed or adjusted. For details, see
preferences that apply. See sections
1065) you received shows the following.
Form 8697, Interest Computation Under
59(h), 465, 704(d), and 1366(d).
A passive activity loss of $4,125,
the Look-Back Method for Completed
A depreciation adjustment of $500 on
Enter the difference between the
Long-Term Contracts.
post-1986 property, and
amount that would be reported for the
An adjustment of $225 on the
activity on Schedule C, C-EZ, E, or F or
Line 22—Mining Costs
disposition of property.
Form 4835 for the AMT and the regular
Note. Do not make this adjustment for
tax amount. If (a) the AMT loss is more
Because the two adjustments above
costs for which you elected the optional
than the regular tax loss, (b) the AMT
are not allowed for the AMT, you must
10-year write-off for the regular tax.
gain is less than the regular tax gain, or
first reduce the passive activity loss by
(c) you have an AMT loss and a regular
those amounts. The result is a passive
Mining exploration and development
tax gain, enter the adjustment as a
activity loss for the AMT of $3,400. You
costs deducted in full for the regular tax in
negative amount.
then enter this amount on the AMT Form
the tax year they were paid or incurred
8582 and refigure the allowable passive
The AMT amount of any gain or loss
must be capitalized and amortized over
activity loss for the AMT.
from activities for which you are not at risk
10 years for the AMT. Enter the difference
is likely to differ from the regular tax
between the regular tax and AMT
The amount of any AMT passive
amount. Your AMT basis in partnerships
deduction. If the AMT deduction is
activity loss that is not deductible
and S corporations is also likely to differ
greater, enter the difference as a negative
and is carried forward is likely to
from your regular tax basis. Therefore,
differ from the regular tax amount, if any.
keep adequate records for both the AMT
Therefore, keep adequate records for
If you had a loss on property for which
and regular tax.
both the AMT and regular tax.
mining costs have not been fully
Enter any adjustment for amounts
amortized for the AMT, your AMT
Enter the difference between the
reported on Schedule D, Form 4684, or
deduction is the smaller of (a) the loss
amount that would be reported for the
Form 4797 for the activity on line 16
allowable for the costs had they remained
activity on Schedule C, C-EZ, E, or F or
instead of line 19.
capitalized or (b) the remaining costs to
Form 4835, Farm Rental Income and
be amortized for the AMT.
Expenses, for the AMT and the regular
Line 20—Circulation Costs
tax amount. If (a) the AMT loss is more
Note. Do not make this adjustment for
Line 23—Research and
than the regular tax loss, (b) the AMT
costs for which you elected the optional
Experimental Costs
gain is less than the regular tax gain, or
3-year write-off for the regular tax.
Note. Do not make this adjustment for
(c) you have an AMT loss and a regular
Circulation costs (expenditures to
costs paid or incurred in connection with
tax gain, enter the adjustment as a
establish, maintain, or increase the
an activity in which you materially
negative amount.
circulation of a newspaper, magazine, or
participated under the passive activity
Enter any adjustment for amounts
other periodical) deducted in full for the
rules or for costs for which you elected
reported on Schedule D, Form 4684, or
regular tax in the year they were paid or
the optional 10-year write-off for the
Form 4797 for the activity on line 16
incurred must be capitalized and
regular tax.
instead of line 18. See the instructions for
amortized over 3 years for the AMT. Enter
line 16.
Research and experimental costs
the difference between the regular tax
deducted in full for the regular tax in the
Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP)
and AMT deduction. If the AMT deduction
tax year they were paid or incurred must
is greater, enter the difference as a
If you had a loss from a PTP, refigure the
be capitalized and amortized over 10
negative amount.
loss using any AMT adjustments and
years for the AMT. Enter the difference
preferences and any AMT prior year
If you had a loss on property for which
between the regular tax and AMT
unallowed loss.
circulation costs have not been fully
deduction. If the AMT deduction is
amortized for the AMT, your AMT
greater, enter the difference as a negative
Tax Shelter Passive Farm
deduction is the smaller of (a) the amount
of the loss allowable for the costs had
Refigure any gain or loss from a tax
If you had a loss on property for which
they remained capitalized or (b) the
shelter passive farm activity taking into
research and experimental costs have not
remaining costs to be amortized for the
account all AMT adjustments and
been fully amortized for the AMT, your
preferences and any AMT prior year
AMT deduction is the smaller of (a) the
Line 21—Long-Term Contracts
unallowed losses. If the amount is a gain,
loss allowable for the costs had they
include it on the AMT Form 8582. If the
For the AMT, you generally must use the
remained capitalized or (b) the remaining
amount is a loss, do not include it on the
percentage-of-completion method
costs to be amortized for the AMT.


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