Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax - Individuals - 2006 Page 2


Line 8—Investment Interest
If you filled out Form 4952, Investment
Home Mortgage Interest Adjustment Worksheet —
Interest Expense Deduction, for your
Line 4
Keep for Your Records
regular tax, you will need to fill out a
second Form 4952 for the AMT as
1. Enter the total of the home mortgage interest you deducted on lines 10
Step 1. Follow the Form 4952
through 12 of Schedule A (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.
instructions for line 1, but also include the
2. Enter the part, if any, of the interest included on line 1
following amounts when completing
above that was paid on an eligible mortgage (defined
line 1.
on this page) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
Any interest expense on Form 6251,
3. Enter the part, if any, of the interest included on line 1
line 4, that was paid or accrued on
above that was paid on a mortgage whose proceeds
indebtedness attributable to property held
were used in a refinancing (including a second or later
for investment within the meaning of
refinancing) of an eligible mortgage. Do not include any
section 163(d)(5) (for example, interest on
interest paid on the part of the balance of the new
a home equity loan whose proceeds were
mortgage that exceeded the balance of the original
invested in stocks or bonds).
eligible mortgage immediately before it was refinanced
Any interest that would have been
(or, if smaller, the balance of any prior refinanced
deductible if interest earned on private
mortgage immediately before that mortgage was
refinanced) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
activity bonds issued after August 7,
1986, had been includible in gross
4. Enter the part, if any, of the interest included on line 1
above that was paid on a mortgage:
• Taken out before July 1, 1982, and
Step 2. Enter your AMT disallowed
• Secured, at the time the mortgage was taken out, by
investment interest expense from 2005 on
your main home or a qualified dwelling used by you or
line 2. Complete line 3.
your family (see definitions on this page).
Step 3. When completing Part II,
Do not include any amount entered on line 2 or line 3
refigure the following amounts, taking into
above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
account all adjustments and preferences.
5. Add lines 2 through 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.
Gross income from property held for
6. Subtract line 5 from line 1 and enter the result on Form 6251, line 4 . . . . 6.
Net gain from the disposition of
property held for investment.
generation-skipping transfer taxes on
loan on their home and used the
Net capital gain from the disposition of
income distributions. Be sure to include
proceeds to buy a new car. They paid
property held for investment.
any state and local general sales taxes
$5,000 in interest on the home equity loan
Investment expenses.
included on Schedule A, line 9.
in 2006. They enter the following amounts
on the Home Mortgage Interest
Include any interest income and
Form 1040NR. If you are filing Form
Adjustment Worksheet: $24,000 on line 1
investment expenses from private activity
1040NR, enter the amount of all taxes
($10,000 plus $9,000 plus $5,000),
bonds issued after August 7, 1986.
from Schedule A (Form 1040NR), line 3,
$10,000 on line 2, $9,000 on line 3, $ -0-
except generation-skipping transfer taxes
On line 4g, enter the smaller of:
on line 4, $19,000 on line 5 ($10,000 plus
on income distributions.
1. The amount from line 4g of your
$9,000), and $5,000 on line 6 ($24,000
regular tax Form 4952, or
Line 4—Home Mortgage
minus $19,000).
2. The total of lines 4b and 4e of this
Interest Adjustment
Line 5—Miscellaneous
AMT Form 4952.
Complete the worksheet on this page to
figure your home mortgage interest
Step 4. Complete Part III.
If you are filing Form 1040NR, enter the
adjustment. The definitions of certain
Enter on Form 6251, line 8, the
amount from Schedule A (Form 1040NR),
terms used in the worksheet are as
difference between line 8 of your AMT
line 15.
Form 4952 and line 8 of your regular tax
Line 6
Form 4952. If your AMT expense is
Eligible mortgage. An eligible mortgage
greater, enter the difference as a negative
is a mortgage whose proceeds were used
If you are filing Form 1040NR and line 36
to buy, build, or substantially improve
is over $150,500 (over $75,250 if you
your main home or a second home that is
checked filing status box 3, 4, or 5), enter
Investment interest expense that is not
a qualified dwelling. A mortgage whose
the amount from line 11 of the Itemized
an itemized deduction. If you did not
proceeds were used to refinance another
Deductions Worksheet in the instructions
itemize deductions and you had
mortgage is not an eligible mortgage.
for Form 1040NR.
investment interest expense, do not enter
an amount on Form 6251, line 8, unless
Qualified dwelling. A qualified dwelling
Line 7—Refund of Taxes
you reported investment interest expense
is any house, apartment, condominium, or
Include any refund from Form 1040, line
on Schedule E. If you did, follow the steps
mobile home not used on a transient
10 (or Form 1040NR, line 11), that is
above for completing Form 4952. Allocate
attributable to state or local income taxes.
the investment interest expense allowed
Family. Family includes only your
Also include any refunds received in 2006
on line 8 of the AMT Form 4952 in the
brothers and sisters (whether by whole or
and included in income on Form 1040,
same way you did for the regular tax.
half blood), your spouse, your ancestors,
line 21, that are attributable to state or
Enter on Form 6251, line 8, the difference
and your lineal descendants.
local personal property taxes or general
between the amount allowed on Schedule
Example. In 2006, Dave and Jennifer
sales taxes, foreign income taxes, or
E for the regular tax and the amount
paid $10,000 in interest on a mortgage
state, local, or foreign real property taxes.
allowed on Schedule E for the AMT.
they took out to buy their home (an
If you include an amount from Form 1040,
Line 9—Depletion
eligible mortgage). In May 2006, they
line 21, you must enter a description and
refinanced that mortgage and paid $9,000
the amount next to the entry space for
You must refigure your depletion
in interest through the rest of the year.
line 7. For example, if you include a
deduction for the AMT. To do so, use only
The balance of the new mortgage is the
refund of real property taxes, enter “real
income and deductions allowed for the
same as the balance of the old mortgage.
property” and the amount next to the
AMT when refiguring the limit based on
In July 2006, they obtained a home equity
entry space.
taxable income from the property under


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