Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2011 Page 3


1. The amount from line 4g of your
to the tax year, subject to the limitation
more than 2 years under section
regular tax Form 4952, or
explained later. Figure your ATNOLD
172(b)(1)(H), or
2. The total of lines 4b and 4e of
as follows.
b. 100% of AMTI for the tax year
this AMT Form 4952.
(figured without regard to the ATNOLD
Your ATNOL for a loss year is the
and any domestic production activities
excess of the deductions allowed for
Step 4. Complete Part III.
deduction, as discussed earlier)
figuring AMTI (excluding the ATNOLD)
reduced by the amount determined
Enter on Form 6251, line 8, the
over the income included in AMTI.
under (1).
difference between line 8 of your AMT
Figure this excess with the
Form 4952 and line 8 of your regular
modifications in section 172(d), taking
Enter on line 11 the smaller of the
tax Form 4952. If your AMT expense is
into account your AMT adjustments and
ATNOLD or the ATNOLD limitation.
greater, enter the difference as a
preferences (that is, the section 172(d)
negative amount.
modifications must be separately
Any ATNOL not used may be carried
Investment interest expense that is
figured for the ATNOL). For example,
back 2 years or forward up to 20 years
not an itemized deduction. If you did
the limitation of nonbusiness
(15 years for loss years beginning
not itemize deductions and you had
deductions to the amount of
before 1998). In some cases, the
investment interest expense, do not
nonbusiness income must be
carryback period is longer than 2 years;
enter an amount on Form 6251, line 8,
separately figured for the ATNOL, using
for details, see Pub. 536. See Pub.
unless you reported investment interest
only nonbusiness income and
4492-A for the part of an ATNOL that is
expense on Schedule E, Supplemental
deductions that are included in AMTI.
a qualified recovery assistance loss or
Income and Loss (Form 1040). If you
Pub. 4492-B for the part of an ATNOL
Your ATNOLD may be limited. To
did, follow the steps above for
that is a qualified disaster recovery
figure the ATNOLD limitation, you must
completing Form 4952. Allocate the
assistance loss.
first figure your AMTI without regard to
investment interest expense allowed on
the ATNOLD and any domestic
The treatment of ATNOLs does not
line 8 of the AMT Form 4952 in the
production activities deduction. To do
affect your regular tax NOL.
same way you did for the regular tax.
this, first figure a tentative amount for
Enter on Form 6251, line 8, the
Since ATNOLs arising in loss
line 9 by treating line 11 as if it were
difference between the amount allowed
years beginning before 1998
zero. Next, figure a tentative total of
on Schedule E for the regular tax and
can be carried forward no more
lines 1 through 27 using the tentative
the amount allowed on Schedule E for
than 15 years, you cannot carry forward
line 9 amount and treating line 11 as if
the AMT.
to 2011 an ATNOL from a loss
it were zero. Add any domestic
beginning before 1996.
production activities deduction to this
Line 9—Depletion
tentative total. Your ATNOLD is
Note. If you elected under section
You must refigure your depletion
limited to 90% of the result.
172(b)(3) to forgo the carryback period
deduction for the AMT. To do so, use
for the regular tax, the election also
However, the 90% limit does not
only income and deductions allowed for
applies for the AMT.
apply to an ATNOL that is attributable
the AMT when refiguring the limit based
to qualified disaster losses (as defined
on taxable income from the property
Line 12—Interest From
in section 172(j)), qualified Gulf
under section 613(a) and the limit
Private Activity Bonds
Opportunity Zone losses (as defined in
based on taxable income, with certain
section 1400N(k)(2)), qualified recovery
Enter on line 12 interest you earned on
adjustments, under section 613A(d)(1).
assistance losses (as defined in Pub.
“specified private activity bonds”
Also, your depletion deduction for
4492-A, Information for Taxpayers
reduced (but not below zero) by any
mines, wells, and other natural deposits
Affected by the May 4, 2007, Kansas
deduction that would have been
under section 611 is limited to the
Storms and Tornadoes), qualified
allowable if the interest were includible
property’s adjusted basis at the end of
disaster recovery assistance losses (as
in gross income for the regular tax.
the year, as refigured for the AMT,
defined in Pub. 4492-B, Information for
Each payer of this type of interest
unless you are an independent
Affected Taxpayers in the Midwestern
should send you a Form 1099-INT
producer or royalty owner claiming
Disaster Areas), or a 2008 or 2009 loss
showing the amount of this interest in
percentage depletion for oil and gas
that you elected to carry back more
wells under section 613A(c). Figure this
box 9.
than 2 years under section
limit separately for each property. When
Generally, the term “specified private
172(b)(1)(H). Therefore, if an ATNOL
refiguring the property’s adjusted basis,
activity bond” means any private activity
that is carried back or carried forward to
take into account any AMT adjustments
bond (as defined in section 141) the
the tax year is attributable to any of
you made this year or in previous years
interest on which is not includible in
those losses, the ATNOLD for the tax
that affect basis (other than current
gross income for the regular tax, if the
year is limited to the sum of:
year depletion).
bond was issued after August 7, 1986.
1. The smaller of:
Enter the difference between the
But specified private activity bonds
a. The sum of the ATNOL
regular tax and AMT deduction. If the
generally do not include any bonds
carrybacks and carryforwards to the tax
AMT deduction is greater, enter the
issued in 2009 or 2010. See section
year attributable to net operating losses
difference as a negative amount.
57(a)(5) for other exceptions and more
other than those losses described in 2a
Line 10—Net Operating Loss
below, or
Do not include interest on qualified
b. 90% of AMTI for the tax year
Gulf Opportunity Zone bonds or
(figured without regard to the ATNOLD
If you are filing Form 1040NR, enter
qualified Midwestern disaster area
and any domestic production activities
your net operating loss deduction from
deduction, as discussed earlier), plus
Form 1040NR, line 21, as a positive
2. The smaller of:
Exempt-interest dividends paid by a
a. The sum of the ATNOL
regulated investment company are
Line 11—Alternative Tax Net
carrybacks and carryforwards to the tax
treated as interest income on specified
year attributable to qualified disaster
private activity bonds to the extent the
Operating Loss Deduction
losses, qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone
dividends are attributable to interest on
losses, qualified recovery assistance
the bonds received by the company,
The ATNOLD is the sum of the
losses, qualified disaster recovery
minus an allocable share of the
alternative tax net operating loss
assistance losses, and any 2008 or
expenses paid or incurred by the
(ATNOL) carrybacks and carryforwards
2009 loss that you elected to carry back
company in earning the interest. This
Instructions for Form 6251 (2011)


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