Taking Care of Your Teeth
The Best Way to Brush Every Day
Use a Mouth Protector
1. Squeeze out a pea-size bit
Okay, so you brush your teeth; you eat and drink healthy foods, and
you go to the dentist. What else can you do to protect your pretty
of toothpaste onto your
teeth? Wear a mouth protector when you play sports! That way you
protect your teeth from injury if you fall or run into someone. Teeth
are the hardest substance in the human body, but they can be broken
off, fractured, or knocked out.
A mouth protector usually covers the upper teeth. It is made of soft
2. Count to 30 while you
plastic. It helps protect not only your teeth, but your lips, tongue and
brush the outside of every
the inside of your cheeks. Talk to your dentist about the right mouth
protector for your sport or activity.
tooth. Move the toothbrush
gently in tiny circles.
1. Look through the SPORTS section of the Sun-Sentinel. Make a list of
all the sports mentioned. If you were playing any of them would you
3. Count to 30 again,
wear a mouthguard? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
while you brush the
2. Make a poster advertising dental safety. Your poster should
inside of every tooth
persuade somebody to wear a mouth guard, or practice sanitation by
the same way.
changing their toothbrush often, or make regular visits to the dentist,
etc. Share and explain your poster to your classmates.
4. Count to 30 while
brushing the tops and
Did You Know?
bottoms of every tooth.
• Great white sharks have 50 razor-sharp teeth.
If they lose one, they just grow another in its place!
• You can tell the difference between alligators and
5. For a few seconds more,
crocodiles by looking at their mouths. When a croc's
brush your tongue very
mouth is shut, he has only his upper teeth showing.
gently to remove bacteria.
Alligators have both upper and lower teeth showing.
Brush from back to front.
• Beavers' four long front teeth are orange in color. These teeth
never stop growing throughout their lives. On average beavers’
teeth allow them to cut down over 200 trees per year!
6. Spit out toothpaste,
• Elephant tusks are actually long front teeth!
then rinse.
• Dogs have 42 teeth; cats have 30; pigs have 44; armadillos
have over 100!
Other Questions to Answer:
1. Why do we use toothpaste?
1. Make a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast human teeth and those
2. What is fluoride?
of one of the animals from this article or any animal you choose to
3. How often should I change my toothbrush?
research. Write a paragraph describing your findings.
4. How old should I be to visit the dentist for the first time?
2. Select an animal and research to discover the role the animal's teeth
5. How old should I be to begin using dental floss?
play in its ability to survive. Why does the animal use its teeth? Do you
Answers on page 2
think this makes a difference in the type of teeth and the number of teeth
the animal has? Share your results with your classmates.
Pre-K-2: LA.A.1.1; LA.A.2.1; LA.B.2.1; LA.C.3.1; LA.D.2.1; HE.A.1.1; HE.B.1.1; MA.A.1.1
3-5: LA.A.1.2; LA.A.2.2; LA.B.2.2; LA.C.3.2; LA.C.2.3; HE.A.1.2; HE.B.1.2