Newberg Kids' Dentist Introduction Page 6


Financial   P olicies   a nd   A greement  
Payment/Insurance   P olicy  
As   a   c ourtesy,   w e   f ile   i nsurance   c laims   f or   o ur   p atients.   A ll   e stimated   p atient   p ortions   a re   d ue   a t   t ime   o f   s ervice.   T his   a mount  
is   a n   e stimate   o f   y our   c opayment   a nd   w e   w ork   h ard   t o   m ake   t his   a s   a ccurate   a s   p ossible.  
Our   o ffice   a ccepts   c ash,   c heck,   V isa,   D iscover   a nd   M astercard.   W e   a lso   o ffer   f inancing   t hrough   C areCredit   a nd   I n-­‐House  
Missed   A ppointment   P olicy  
We   w ork   d iligently   t o   s ee   a ll   o ur   p atients   i n   a   t imely   m anner.   M issed   a ppointments   l eave   u s   w ith   h oles   i n   o ur   s chedule   t hat  
prevents   u s   f rom   p roviding   t imely   c are   f or   t he   c hildren   i n   o ur   c ommunity.   M issed   a ppointments   h urts   e veryone.   T herefore,   w e  
have   i nstituted   a   “ Missed   A ppointment   P olicy”   w hich   s tates   t hat   a ppointments   n ot   c ancelled   w ithin   4 8   h ours   m inimum  
advance   w ill   b e   c harged   a   f ee   o f   $ 50.00.  
Missed   O ral   S edation   a nd   O perative   A ppointments  
Due   t o   t he   h igh   d emand   f or   c onscious   s edation   a ppointments,   w e   h ave   i mplemented   a   “ Missed   S urgical/Operative  
Appointment   P olicy”   t o   e ncourage   p atient   t o   k eep   t heir   a ppointments.   I f   y ou   c annot   a ttend   y our   s cheduled   a ppointment,   y ou  
must   c all   a   m inimum   o f   7 2   h ours   i n   a dvance.   I f   w e   d o   n ot   h ave   a   7 2-­‐hour   a dvance   n otice   o f   c ancellation,   y ou   w ill   b e   c harged   a  
$200   n on-­‐refundable   “ Missed   S urgical/Operative   A ppointment   F ee”.  
I   u nderstand   t hat   I   a m   r esponsible   f or   t he   p ayment   o f   a ll   f ees   f or   d ental   t reatment   t hat   a re   n ot   c overed   b y   t he   p atient’s  
dental   o r   m edical   i nsurance.   T he   u ndersigned   a grees   t hat   s hould   t he   a ccount   b e   r eferred   t o   a n   a ttorney   o r   c ollection   a gency  
for   c ollection,   t he   f ees   i ncurred   w ill   b e   p aid   b y   t he   r esponsible   p arty.  
Parent/Legal   G uardian   S ignature  


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