Newberg Kids' Dentist Introduction Page 3


Receipt   o f   P rivacy   P ractices   &   C onsent   f or   U se   a nd   D isclosure   o f  
Health   I nformation  
Acknowledgement   o f   R eceipt   o f   N otice   o f   P rivacy   P ractices:  
I,   _ _________________________________________________,   h ave   r eceived   a   c opy   o f   t his   o ffice’s   N otice   o f   P rivacy   P ractices  
pertaining   t o   m y   c hild,   _ ___________________________________________.  
Parent/Guardian   S ignature:   _ _______________________________________   D ate:   _ ________________  
Parent/Guardian   G iving   C onsent  
To   t he   P arent/Guardian,    
Please   r ead   t he   f ollowing   s tatements   c arefully.  
Purpose   o f   C onsent:   B y   s igning   t his   f orm,   y ou   w ill   c onsent   t o   o ur   u se   a nd   d isclosure   o f   p rotected   h ealth   i nformation   t o   c arry  
out   t reatment,   p ayment   a ctivities   a nd   h ealthcare   o perations.   Y ou   m ay   r evoke   y our   c onsent   a t   a ny   t ime.   F ailure   t o   p rovide  
consent   m ay   r esult   i n   o ur   o ffice   n ot   b eing   a ble   t o   p rovide   c are   f or   y our   c hild.  
We   r eserve   t he   r ight   t o   c hange   o ur   p rivacy   p ractices   a s   d escribed   i n   o ur   N otice   o f   P rivacy   P ractices.   I f   w e   c hange   o ur   p rivacy  
practices,   w e   w ill   i ssue   a   r evised   N otice   o f   P rivacy   P ractices,   w hich   w ill   c ontain   t he   c hanges.   T hose   c hanges   m ay   a pply   t o   a ny   o f  
your   p rotected   h ealth   i nformation   t hat   w e   m aintain.  
Parent/Guardian   S ignature:   _ ____________________________________________   D ate:   _ ___________  
Address:   _ ____________________________________________   P hone   # :   _ _______________________  


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