Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 8


AMTFTC Carryback and
4. If the simplified limitation
AMT Schedule D or AMT Schedule D
election does not apply, complete
Tax Worksheet to complete lines 30,
lines 14 through 16 of the AMT Form
31, and 33 of Form 6251. Keep the
If your AMTFTC is limited, the unused
AMT Schedule D and worksheet for
amount may be carried back or
5. If you did not complete
your records, but do not attach the
forward according to sections
Schedule D (Form 1040) for the
AMT Schedule D to your tax return.
59(a)(2)(B) and 904(c).
regular tax and did not complete Part
If you completed Part III of
Simplified Limitation Election
III of Form 6251, enter the AMTI from
Schedule D for the regular tax but not
Form 6251, line 21, on line 17 of the
You may elect to use a simplified
Part IV, enter zero on Form 6251, line
AMT Form 1116 and go to 6 below.
section 904 limitation to figure your
Otherwise, follow these steps to
AMTFTC. If you do, use your regular
Note: Do not decrease your section
complete, for the AMT, the
tax income for Form 1116, Part I,
1202 exclusion by the amount, if any,
Worksheet for Line 17 in the Form
instead of refiguring your foreign
on line 14m.
1116 instructions.
source income for the AMT, as
described earlier. You must make the
Line 39
a. Enter the amount from Form
election for the first tax year after
6251, line 21, on line 1 of the AMT
Generally, you may enter the amount
1997 for which you claim an
Worksheet for Line 17.
from Schedule D, line 29, on Form
AMTFTC. If you do not make the
b. Complete a Schedule D for the
6251, line 39. However, if your
election for that year, you may not
AMT as explained in the instructions
qualified 5-year gain is different for
make it for a later year. Once made,
for lines 30, 31, 33, and 37 below (or,
the AMT (for example, because of a
the election applies to all later tax
if you already completed an AMT
different basis), you must complete
years and may be revoked only with
Schedule D to complete Part III of
an AMT Qualified 5-Year Gain
IRS consent.
Form 6251, use that Schedule D).
Worksheet (on page D-8 of the
Next, enter the amount from Form
Schedule D instructions). If the
Part III—Line 24
6251, line 23, on line 20 of your AMT
amount on any line of the worksheet
Schedule D or line 1 of the AMT
Computation Using
is different for the AMT, use the AMT
Schedule D Tax Worksheet. Then,
amount instead of the regular tax
Maximum Capital Gains
complete lines 24 through 36 of the
amount. Enter the amount from line 7
AMT Schedule D (you may skip lines
of that worksheet on Form 6251, line
25, 31, and 33) or lines 10 through 33
of the AMT Schedule D Tax
Lines 30, 31, 33, and 37
Worksheet (you may skip lines 15,
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.
If you did not complete Schedule D
19, 21, 25, and 31).
We ask for the information on this
(Form 1040) because you reported
c. Complete the rest of the AMT
form to carry out the Internal
capital gain distributions directly on
Worksheet for Line 17 using amounts
Revenue laws of the United States.
Form 1040, line 13, then:
from the AMT Schedule D or AMT
You are required to give us the
Enter the amount of your capital
Schedule D Tax Worksheet.
information. We need it to ensure that
gain distributions on Form 6251, lines
6. Enter the amount from Form
you are complying with these laws
30 and 33,
6251, line 24, on the AMT Form
and to allow us to figure and collect
Enter zero on Form 6251, line 31,
1116, line 19. Complete lines 18, 20,
the right amount of tax.
and 21 of the AMT Form 1116.
Enter on Form 6251, line 37, the
You are not required to provide the
7. Complete Part IV of the first
amount, if any, from line 7 of the
information requested on a form that
AMT Form 1116 only.
Capital Gain Tax Worksheet in the
is subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Follow the instructions below to
instructions for line 40 of Form 1040.
Act unless the form displays a valid
figure the amount to enter on Form
If you did complete Schedule D,
OMB control number. Books or
6251, line 25.
you generally may enter the amounts
records relating to a form or its
If you have no entry on Form 6251,
from Schedule D or the Schedule D
instructions must be retained as long
line 20, and no intangible drilling
Tax Worksheet as instructed on Form
as their contents may become
costs (IDCs) (or the exception for
6251, lines 30, 31, and 33. But do
material in the administration of any
IDCs does not apply to you—see the
not use those amounts if either of the
Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax
instructions for line 14e on page 5),
following applies.
returns and return information are
enter on Form 6251, line 25, the
confidential, as required by section
1. Any gain or loss on Schedule D
smaller of:
is different for the AMT (for example,
90% of Form 6251, line 24, or
because of a different basis for the
The time needed to complete and
The amount from line 33 of the first
AMT due to depreciation
file this form will vary depending on
AMT Form 1116.
adjustments, an incentive stock
individual circumstances. The
If you have an entry on line 20 or
option adjustment, or a different AMT
estimated average time is:
the exception for IDCs applies to you:
capital loss carryover from 2000).
Recordkeeping, 2 hr., 30 min.;
1. Figure the amount of tax that
2. You did not complete Part IV of
Learning about the law or the
would be on line 24 if line 20 were
Schedule D because Form 1040, line
form,1 hr., 10 min.; Preparing the
zero and the exception did not apply,
39, is zero.
form, 1 hr., 55 min.; Copying,
2. Multiply the amount from 1
assembling, and sending the form
If 1 or 2 above applies, complete a
above by 10%,
to the IRS, 27 min.
Schedule D for the AMT as follows. If
3. Subtract the amount from 2
If you have comments concerning
1 applies, refigure the amounts for
above from the tax on line 24, and
the accuracy of these time estimates
Schedule D, Parts I, II, and III for the
4. Enter on Form 6251, line 25,
or suggestions for making this form
AMT; otherwise, use the regular tax
the smaller of the amount from 3
simpler, we would be happy to hear
amounts. Next, complete line 19 of
above or the amount from line 33 of
from you. See the instructions for the
the AMT Schedule D and lines 21
the first AMT Form 1116.
tax return with which this form is filed.
through 23 (or lines 2 through 9 of an
Attach to your tax return, after
AMT Schedule D Tax Worksheet, if
Form 6251, all AMT Forms 1116 you
applicable). Use amounts from the
used to figure your AMTFTC.


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