Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 6


If you had a loss on property for
trade or business), 8 through 11, or
Line 16
which research and experimental
14a through 14n, you may have to
If Form 1040, line 39, includes a
costs have not been fully amortized
refigure any item of income or
write-in amount (such as a capital
for the AMT, your AMT deduction is
deduction based on a limit of income
construction fund deduction for
the smaller of (a) the loss allowable
other than AGI or modified AGI.
commercial fishermen), add lines 38
for the costs had they remained
and 39 of Form 1040 and enter that
Affected items include the
capitalized or (b) the remaining costs
result on line 16 instead of the
to be amortized for the AMT.
amount from Form 1040, line 37. If
Section 179 expense deduction
Line 14m—Section 1202
your taxable income includes an
(Form 4562, line 12).
amount from the alcohol fuel credit
Expenses for business or rental
under section 87, reduce line 16 by
If you claimed the exclusion under
use of your home.
the amount of the credit included in
section 1202 for gain on qualified
Conservation expenses (Schedule
small business stock held more than
F, line 14).
5 years, multiply the excluded gain
Line 20—Alternative Tax Net
Taxable IRA distributions (Form
(as shown on Schedule D (Form
Operating Loss Deduction
1040, line 15b), if prior year IRA
1040)) by 42% (.42). Enter the result
deductions were different for the AMT
as a positive amount.
and the regular tax.
The ATNOLD is the sum of the
Line 14n—Tax Shelter Farm
Self-employed health insurance
alternative tax net operating loss
deduction (Form 1040, line 28).
(ATNOL) carryovers and carrybacks
Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and
Figure this adjustment only if you
to the tax year, subject to the
qualified plans deduction (Form 1040,
have a gain or loss from a tax shelter
limitation explained below. Figure
line 29).
farm activity (as defined in section
your ATNOLD as follows:
58(a)(2)) that is not a passive activity.
IRA deduction (Form 1040, line
For loss years beginning after
If the activity is passive, you must
23), affected by the earned income
1986, your ATNOL is the excess of
include it with your other passive
limitation of section 219(b)(1)(B).
the deductions allowed for figuring
activities on line 11.
Figure the difference between the
AMTI (excluding the ATNOLD) over
AMT and regular tax amount for each
Refigure all gains and losses you
the income included in AMTI. Figure
item. Combine the amounts for all
reported for the regular tax from tax
this excess with the modifications in
your related adjustments and enter
shelter farm activities by taking into
section 172(d), taking into account
the total on line 14o. Keep a copy of
account any AMT adjustments and
the adjustments in sections 56 and 58
all computations for your records,
preferences. Determine your tax
and preferences in section 57 (that is,
including any AMT carryover and
shelter farm activity gain or loss for
the section 172(d) modifications must
basis amounts.
the AMT using the same rules you
be separately figured for the ATNOL).
used for the regular tax with the
For example, the limitation of
Note: Do not include on line 14o any
following modifications. No refigured
nonbusiness deductions to the
adjustment for an item you refigured
loss is allowed, except to the extent
amount of nonbusiness income must
on another line of this form (for
you are insolvent (see section
be separately figured for the ATNOL,
example, line 14b).
58(c)(1)). A refigured loss may not be
using only nonbusiness income and
Example. On your Schedule C
used in the current tax year to offset
deductions that are included in AMTI.
(Form 1040) you have a net profit of
gains from other tax shelter farm
For loss years beginning before
$9,000 before figuring your section
activities. Instead, any refigured loss
1987, your ATNOL is your ATNOL
179 deduction (and you do not report
must be suspended and carried
carryover to 1987.
any other business income on your
forward indefinitely until (a) you have
For 2001, your ATNOLD is
return). During the year, you
a gain in a subsequent tax year from
generally limited to your AMTI
purchased an asset for $10,000 for
that same activity or (b) you dispose
(figured without regard to the
which you elect to take the section
of the activity.
ATNOLD). However, if an ATNOL is
179 deduction. You also have an
The AMT amount of any tax
carried back to 2001 from a tax year
AMT depreciation adjustment of $700
shelter farm activity loss that is not
after 2002, or for ATNOLs carried
for other assets depreciated on your
deductible and is carried forward is
back from 2001 to a prior tax year,
Schedule C.
likely to differ from the regular tax
the ATNOLD for the tax year is
amount. Therefore, keep adequate
Your section 179 deduction for the
limited to the sum of:
records for both the AMT and regular
regular tax is limited to your net profit
1. The smaller of:
(before any section 179 deduction) of
a. The sum of the ATNOL
$9,000. The $1,000 excess is a
Enter the difference between the
carrybacks to the tax year from tax
section 179 deduction carryforward
amount that would be reported for the
years before 2001 or after 2002 and
for the regular tax.
activity on Schedule E or F or Form
the ATNOL carryforwards to the tax
4835 for the AMT and the regular tax
year (unless the tax year is 2001) or
For the AMT, your net profit is
amount. If (a) the AMT loss is more
b. Ninety percent of AMTI for the
$9,700, and you are allowed a
than the regular tax loss, (b) the AMT
section 179 deduction of $9,700 for
tax year (figured without regard to the
gain is less than the regular tax gain,
the AMT. You have a section 179
ATNOLD), plus
or (c) you have an AMT loss and a
deduction carryforward of $300 for
2. The smaller of:
regular tax gain, enter the adjustment
the AMT.
a. The sum of the ATNOL
as a negative amount.
carrybacks to the tax year from 2001
You include a $700 negative
Enter any adjustment for amounts
or 2002 and the ATNOL
adjustment on line 14o because your
reported on Schedule D, Form 4684,
carryforwards to the tax year (if the
section 179 deduction for the AMT is
or Form 4797 for the activity on line 9
tax year is 2001) or
$700 greater than your allowable
instead. See the instructions for line 9
b. AMTI for the tax year (figured
regular tax deduction. In the following
on page 3.
without regard to the ATNOLD)
year, when you use the $1,000
reduced by the amount determined
Line 14o—Related Adjustments
regular tax carryforward, you will
under 1 above.
If you have an entry on line 7
have a $700 positive related
(because you deducted investment
adjustment for the AMT because your
To figure your AMTI without regard
AMT carryforward is only $300.
interest allocable to an interest in a
to the ATNOLD, first figure a tentative


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