Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 5


Line 14d—Installment Sales
benefit from this exception is not
records for both the AMT and regular
The installment method does not
apply for the AMT to any nondealer
Enter any adjustment for amounts
Line 14f—Large Partnerships
disposition of property after August
reported on Schedule D, Form 4684,
If you were a partner in an electing
16, 1986, but before January 1, 1987,
or Form 4797 for the activity on line 9
large partnership, enter the amount
if an installment obligation to which
instead. See the instructions for line 9
from Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B),
the proportionate disallowance rule
on page 3.
box 6. Take into account any amount
applied arose from the disposition.
from box 5 on Form 6251, line 11.
Line 14i—Mining Costs
Enter as a negative amount on line
14d the amount of installment sale
Line 14g—Long-Term
Note: Do not make this adjustment
income reported for the regular tax.
for costs for which you elected the
optional 10-year write-off for the
Line 14e—Intangible Drilling
For the AMT, you generally must use
regular tax.
the percentage-of-completion method
Costs (IDCs)
Mining exploration and
described in section 460(b) to
Note: Do not make this adjustment
determine your income from any
development costs deducted in full in
for costs for which you elected the
long-term contract (defined in section
the tax year they were paid or
optional 60-month write-off for the
460(f)). However, this rule does not
incurred for the regular tax must be
regular tax.
capitalized and amortized over 10
apply to any home construction
IDCs from oil, gas, and geothermal
years for the AMT. Enter the
contract (as defined in section
wells are a preference to the extent
difference between the regular tax
460(e)(6)). For contracts excepted
that the excess IDCs exceed 65% of
and AMT deduction. If the AMT
from the percentage-of-completion
the net income from the wells. Figure
deduction is greater, enter the
method for the regular tax by section
the preference for all oil and gas
460(e)(1), you must use the simplified
difference as a negative amount.
properties separately from the
procedures for allocating costs
If you had a loss on property for
preference for all geothermal
outlined in section 460(b)(3) to
which mining costs have not been
determine the percentage of
fully amortized for the AMT, your
Figure excess IDCs as follows.
AMT deduction is the smaller of (a)
Enter the difference between the
the loss allowable for the costs had
Step 1. Determine the amount of
AMT and regular tax income. If the
they remained capitalized or (b) the
your IDCs allowed for the regular tax
AMT income is smaller, enter the
remaining costs to be amortized for
under section 263(c), but do not
difference as a negative amount.
the AMT.
include any section 263(c) deduction
for nonproductive wells.
Note: If you are required to use the
Line 14j—Patron’s Adjustment
percentage-of-completion method for
Step 2. Subtract the amount that
Distributions you received from a
either the regular tax or the AMT, you
would have been allowed had you
cooperative may be includible in
may owe or be entitled to a refund of
amortized these IDCs over a
income. Unless the distributions are
interest for the tax year the contract is
120-month period starting with the
nontaxable, enter on line 14j the total
completed or adjusted. For details,
month the well was placed in
AMT patronage dividend adjustment
see Form 8697, Interest Computation
reported to you by the cooperative.
Under the Look-Back Method for
Note: If you prefer not to use the
Completed Long-Term Contracts.
Line 14k—Pollution Control
120-month period, you may elect to
Line 14h—Loss Limitations
use any method that is permissible in
The section 169 election to amortize
For passive activities, see the line 11
determining cost depletion.
the basis of a certified pollution
instructions on page 4 instead. For
Determine net income by
control facility over a 60-month period
tax shelter farm activities (that are not
reducing the gross income that you
is not available for the AMT. For
passive), see the line 14n instructions
received or accrued during the tax
facilities placed in service before
on page 6.
year from all oil, gas, and geothermal
1999, figure the AMT deduction using
wells by the deductions allocable to
Refigure your gains and losses
ADS. For facilities placed in service
those wells (reduced by the excess
from activities for which you are not at
after 1998, figure the AMT deduction
IDCs). When refiguring net income,
risk and basis limitations applicable to
under MACRS using the straight line
use only income and deductions
partnerships and S corporations by
method. Enter the difference between
allowed for the AMT.
taking into account all AMT
the regular tax and AMT deduction. If
adjustments and preferences that
Exception. The preference for IDCs
the AMT amount is greater, enter the
apply. See sections 59(h), 465,
from oil and gas wells does not apply
difference as a negative amount.
704(d), and 1366(d).
to taxpayers who are independent
Line 14l—Research and
producers (that is, not integrated oil
Enter the difference between the
companies as defined in section
amount that would be reported for the
291(b)(4)). However, this benefit may
activity on Schedule C, C-EZ, E, or F
Note: Do not make this adjustment
be limited. First, figure the IDC
or Form 4835 for the AMT and the
for costs paid or incurred in
preference as if this exception did not
regular tax amount. If (a) the AMT
connection with an activity in which
apply. Then, for purposes of this
loss is more than the regular tax loss,
you materially participated under the
exception, complete Form 6251
(b) the AMT gain is less than the
passive activity rules or for costs for
through line 19, including the IDC
regular tax gain, or (c) you have an
which you elected the optional
AMT loss and a regular tax gain,
10-year write-off for the regular tax.
enter the adjustment as a negative
If the amount of the IDC
Research and experimental costs
preference exceeds 40% of the
deducted in full in the tax year they
amount figured for line 19, enter the
The AMT amount of any gain or
were paid or incurred for the regular
excess on line 14e (your benefit from
loss from activities for which you are
tax must be capitalized and amortized
this exception is limited). If the
not at risk is likely to differ from the
over 10 years for the AMT. Enter the
amount of the IDC preference is
regular tax amount. Your AMT basis
difference between the regular tax
equal to or less than 40% of the
in partnerships and S corporations is
and AMT deduction. If the AMT
amount figured for line 19, do not
also likely to differ from your regular
deduction is greater, enter the
enter an amount on line 14e (your
tax basis. Therefore, keep adequate
difference as a negative amount.


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