Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 4


Increase your AMT basis in any
Tax Shelter Passive Farm
the regular tax and AMT deduction. If
stock acquired through the exercise
the AMT deduction is greater, enter
of an ISO by the amount of the
the difference as a negative amount.
Refigure any gain or loss from a tax
adjustment. Keep adequate records
shelter passive farm activity taking
If you had a loss on property for
for both the AMT and regular tax so
into account all AMT adjustments and
which circulation expenditures have
that you may figure your adjusted
preferences and any AMT prior year
not been fully amortized for the AMT,
gain or loss in the year you sell the
unallowed losses. If the amount is a
your AMT deduction is the smaller of
stock. See the instructions for line 9.
gain, include it on the AMT Form
(a) the amount of the loss allowable
8582. If the amount is a loss, do not
for the expenditures had they
Line 11—Passive Activities
include it on the AMT Form 8582.
remained capitalized or (b) the
Your passive activity gains and
Carry the loss forward to 2002 to see
remaining expenditures to be
losses must be refigured for the AMT
if you have a gain or loss from tax
amortized for the AMT.
by taking into account all adjustments
shelter passive farm activities for
Line 14b—Depletion
and preferences and any AMT prior
year unallowed losses that apply to
You must refigure your depletion
deduction for the AMT. To do so, use
that activity. You may fill out a second
If at the end of the tax year your
only income and deductions allowed
Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss
liabilities exceed the fair market value
Limitations, and the other forms or
for the AMT when refiguring the limit
of your assets, increase your passive
schedules on which your passive
based on taxable income from the
activity loss allowed by that excess
activities are reported, to determine
property under section 613(a) and the
(but not by more than your total loss).
limit based on taxable income, with
your passive activity loss allowed for
See section 58(c)(1).
certain adjustments, under section
the AMT, but do not file the second
set of forms and schedules with your
613A(d)(1). Also, your depletion
Line 13—Tax-Exempt
tax return.
deduction for mines, wells, and other
Interest Income From Private
natural deposits under section 611 is
Example. Assume you are a
limited to the property’s adjusted
Activity Bonds
partner in a partnership and the
basis at the end of the year, as
Enter on line 13 interest you earned
Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) you
refigured for the AMT, unless you are
on “specified private activity bonds”
received shows the following.
an independent producer or royalty
reduced (but not below zero) by any
A passive activity loss of $4,125,
owner claiming percentage depletion
deduction that would have been
A depreciation adjustment of $500
for oil and gas wells under section
allowable if the interest were
on post-1986 property, and
613A(c). Figure this limit separately
includible in gross income for the
An adjustment of $225 for adjusted
for each property. When refiguring
regular tax. Generally, the term
gain or loss.
the property’s adjusted basis, take
“specified private activity bond”
Because the two adjustments
into account any AMT adjustments
means any private activity bond (as
above are not allowed for the AMT,
you made this year or in previous
defined in section 141) issued after
you must first reduce the passive
years that affect basis (other than
August 7, 1986. See section 57(a)(5)
activity loss by those amounts. The
current year depletion).
for exceptions and more details.
result is a passive activity loss for the
Enter the difference between the
AMT of $3,400. You then enter this
Exempt-interest dividends paid by
regular tax and AMT deduction. If the
amount on Worksheet 2 of the AMT
a regulated investment company are
AMT deduction is greater, enter the
Form 8582 and refigure the allowable
treated as interest income on
difference as a negative amount.
passive activity loss for the AMT.
specified private activity bonds to the
extent the dividends are attributable
Line 14c—Depreciation
Note: The amount of any AMT
to interest on the bonds received by
passive activity loss that is not
the company, minus an allocable
deductible and is carried forward is
For the AMT, you must use the
share of the expenses paid or
likely to differ from the regular tax
straight line method to figure
incurred by the company in earning
amount, if any. Therefore, keep
depreciation on real property for
the interest.
adequate records for both the AMT
which accelerated depreciation was
If you are filing Form 8814,
and regular tax.
determined using pre-1987 rules. Use
Parents’ Election To Report Child’s
a recovery period of 19 years for
Enter the difference between the
Interest and Dividends, any
19-year real property and 15 years for
amount that would be reported for the
tax-exempt interest income from line
low-income housing.
activity on Schedule C, C-EZ, E, or F
1b of that form that is a preference
or Form 4835, Farm Rental Income
For leased personal property
item must be included on this line.
and Expenses, for the AMT and the
other than recovery property, enter
regular tax amount. If (a) the AMT
Line 14—Other Adjustments
the amount by which your regular tax
loss is more than the regular tax loss,
depreciation using the pre-1987 rules
and Preferences
(b) the AMT gain is less than the
exceeds the depreciation allowable
Enter the amounts of any other
regular tax gain, or (c) you have an
using the straight line method.
adjustments or preferences that apply
AMT loss and a regular tax gain,
For leased 10-year recovery
to you on lines 14a through 14o.
enter the adjustment as a negative
property and leased 15-year public
Enter the total on line 14.
utility property, enter the amount by
Line 14a—Circulation
which your regular tax depreciation
Enter any adjustment for amounts
exceeds the depreciation allowable
reported on Schedule D, Form 4684,
Note: Do not make this adjustment
using the straight line method with a
or Form 4797 for the activity on line 9
for expenditures for which you
half-year convention, no salvage
instead of line 11. See the
value, and a recovery period of 15
elected the optional 3-year write-off
instructions for line 9.
years (22 years for 15-year public
for the regular tax.
Publicly Traded Partnership
utility property).
For the regular tax, circulation
expenditures may be deducted in full
Figure the excess of the regular
If you had a loss from a PTP, refigure
when paid or incurred. For the AMT,
tax depreciation over the AMT
the loss using any AMT adjustments
these expenditures must be
depreciation separately for each
and preferences and any AMT prior
capitalized and amortized over 3
property and include on line 14c only
year unallowed loss.
years. Enter the difference between
positive amounts.


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