Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 3


deduction is the same for the regular
See Pub. 946 for optional
$90,000 difference is an adjustment
tax and the AMT.
tables that may be used to
that must be included on line 10 of
Motion picture films, videotapes, or
figure AMT depreciation. Rev.
his 2000 Form 6251. His AMT basis
sound recordings.
Proc. 89-15, 1989-1 C.B. 816, has
in the stock at the end of 2000 is
Property depreciated under the
special rules for short years and for
unit-of-production method or any
property disposed of before the end
In February 2001, the stock’s value
other method not expressed in a term
of the recovery period.
had dropped, and Victor sold it for
of years.
$60,000. For the regular tax, he has a
Qualified Indian reservation
How Is the Adjustment To Enter
capital gain of $50,000 ($60,000
on Line 8 Figured?
sales price minus his regular tax
How Is Depreciation Refigured
basis of $10,000). For the AMT,
Subtract the AMT deduction for
for the AMT?
Victor has a capital loss of $40,000
depreciation from the regular tax
($60,000 sales price minus his AMT
deduction and enter the result. If the
Property placed in service before
basis of $100,000). The AMT capital
AMT deduction is more than the
1999. Refigure depreciation for the
loss allowed for the year, however, is
regular tax deduction, enter the
AMT using ADS, with the same
limited to $3,000. Victor has no other
difference as a negative amount.
convention used for the regular tax.
capital transactions for 2001. He
See the table below for the method
In addition to the AMT adjustment
includes on line 9 an adjusted loss of
and recovery period to use.
to your deduction for depreciation,
($53,000), which is the difference
you must also adjust the amount of
between the ($3,000) capital loss he
depreciation that was capitalized, if
Property Placed in Service Before
is allowed for the AMT and the
any, to account for the difference
$50,000 capital gain net income
between the rules for the regular tax
IF the property
THEN use the...
reported on Schedule D for the
and the AMT. Include on this line the
regular tax.
current year adjustment to taxable
Section 1250
Straight line
income, if any, resulting from the
Victor has an AMT long-term
method over 40
capital loss carryover from 2001 to
2002 of $37,000. If Victor has no
Line 9—Adjusted Gain or
other Schedule D transactions for
Tangible property
Straight line
2002, his adjusted loss reported on
(other than section method over the
Use this line to report any AMT
line 9 of Form 6251 will be ($3,000).
1250 property)
property’s AMT
adjustment resulting from refiguring:
Victor will then have an AMT
depreciated using class life.
Gain or loss from the sale,
straight line for the
long-term capital loss carryover from
exchange, or involuntary conversion
regular tax.
2002 to 2003 of $34,000.
of property reported on Form 4797,
Any other tangible 150% declining
Sales of Business Property;
Line 10—Incentive Stock
balance method,
Casualty gain or loss to business
switching to
or income-producing property
straight line the
For the regular tax, no income is
reported on Form 4684, Casualties
first tax year it
recognized when an incentive stock
and Thefts; or
gives a larger
option (ISO), as defined in section
Capital gain or loss (including any
deduction, over the
422(b), is exercised. However, this
carryover that is different for the
property’s AMT
rule does not apply for the AMT.
AMT) reported on Schedule D (Form
class life.
Instead, you generally must include
1040), Capital Gains and Losses.
on line 10 the excess, if any, of:
The $3,000 capital loss
Property placed in service after
The fair market value of the stock
limitation for the regular tax
1998. Use the same convention and
acquired through exercise of the
applies separately to any
recovery period used for the regular
option (determined without regard to
capital loss as refigured for the AMT.
tax. For property other than section
any lapse restriction) when your
See the example below.
1250 property, use the 150%
rights in the acquired stock first
declining balance method, switching
become transferable or when these
to straight line the first tax year it
Refigure the gain or loss reported
rights are no longer subject to a
gives a larger deduction. For section
on your return from the above forms
substantial risk of forfeiture over
by taking into account any AMT
1250 property, use the straight line
The amount you paid for the stock,
adjustments you made this year or in
including any amount you paid for the
previous years that affect your
ISO used to acquire the stock.
Note: If you did not make this
adjusted basis. Enter on line 9 the
adjustment in 1999 or 2000 for
Note: Even if your rights in the stock
difference between the gain or loss, if
section 1250 property placed in
are not transferable and are subject
any, reported for the regular tax and
service after 1998 that was not
to a substantial risk of forfeiture, you
that figured for the AMT. If (a) the
depreciated for the regular tax using
may elect to include in AMT income
AMT gain is less than the regular tax
the straight line method, you must file
the excess of the stock’s fair market
gain, (b) the AMT loss is more than
an amended return if you are required
value (determined without regard to
the regular tax loss, or (c) you have
to file Form 6251 for that year (after
any lapse restriction) over the
an AMT loss and a regular tax gain
taking this adjustment into account).
exercise price upon the transfer to
(or no gain or loss for the regular tax),
How Is the AMT Class Life
you of the stock acquired through
enter the difference as a negative
exercise of the option. You must
make the election by the 30th day
The class life used for the AMT is not
Example. In January 2000, Victor
after the date of the transfer. See
necessarily the same as the recovery
Ash exercised an incentive stock
Pub. 525 for more details.
period used for the regular tax. The
option. He paid $10,000 for stock
class lives for the AMT are listed in
worth $100,000. The $90,000
If you acquired stock by exercising
Rev. Proc. 87-56, 1987-2 C.B. 674,
difference between his cost and the
an ISO and you disposed of that
and in Pub. 946, How To Depreciate
value of the stock is not taxable for
stock in the same year, the tax
Property. Use 12 years for any
the regular tax. His regular tax basis
treatment under the regular tax and
tangible personal property not
in the stock at the end of the year is
the AMT is the same, and no
assigned a class life.
$10,000. For the AMT, however, the
adjustment is required.


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