Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001 Page 2


Part I—Alternative
Step 1. Follow the Form 4952
basis limitations apply. Take this
instructions for line 1, but also include
adjustment into account on line 14h.
Minimum Taxable
the following amounts when
A tax shelter farm activity. Take
completing line 1.
this adjustment into account on line
Income (AMTI)
Any interest expense on line 4 of
To avoid duplication, any
Form 6251 that was paid or accrued
What Depreciation Must Be
adjustment or preference for
on indebtedness attributable to
Refigured for the AMT?
line 5, 11, 14h, or 14n must
property held for investment within
not be taken into account in figuring
Generally, you must refigure
the meaning of section 163(d)(5).
the amount to enter for any other
depreciation for the AMT, including
Example. Interest on a home
adjustment or preference.
depreciation allocable to inventory
equity loan whose proceeds were
costs, for:
invested in stocks or bonds.
Property placed in service after
Any interest that would have been
Line 3—Taxes
1998 that is depreciated for the
deductible if interest earned on
regular tax using the 200% declining
Do not include any
private activity bonds issued after
balance method (generally 3-, 5-, 7-,
generation-skipping transfer taxes on
August 7, 1986, had been includible
and 10-year property under the
income distributions.
in gross income.
modified accelerated cost recovery
Line 4—Certain Home
system (MACRS));
Step 2. Enter your AMT disallowed
Section 1250 property placed in
Mortgage Interest
investment interest expense from
service after 1998 that is not
Include on this line home mortgage
2000 on line 2. Complete line 3.
depreciated for the regular tax using
interest from line 10, 11, or 12 of
Step 3. When completing Part II,
the straight line method; and
Schedule A (Form 1040) except for
refigure the following amounts, taking
Tangible property placed in service
interest on a mortgage whose
into account all adjustments and
after 1986 and before 1999 (if the
proceeds were used to:
transitional election was made under
1. Buy, build, or substantially
Gross income from property held
section 203(a)(1)(B) of the Tax
improve (a) your main home or (b)
for investment.
Reform Act of 1986, this rule applies
your second home that is a qualified
Net gain from the disposition of
to property placed in service after
dwelling (as defined below) or
property held for investment.
July 31, 1986).
2. Refinance a mortgage that
Investment expenses.
What Depreciation Is Not
meets the requirements of 1 above,
Include any interest income and
Refigured for the AMT?
but only to the extent that the
investment expenses from private
refinanced amount did not exceed the
activity bonds issued after August 7,
Do not refigure depreciation for the
balance of that mortgage immediately
AMT for the following.
before the refinancing.
Residential rental property placed
Step 4. Complete Part III.
in service after 1998.
Enter on line 7 the difference
Exception. If the mortgage was
Nonresidential real property with a
between line 8 of your AMT Form
taken out before July 1, 1982, do not
class life of 27.5 years or more
4952 and line 8 of your regular tax
include interest on the mortgage if it
placed in service after 1998 that is
Form 4952. If your AMT expense is
was secured by property that was
depreciated for the regular tax using
greater, enter the difference as a
your main home or a qualified
the straight line method.
negative amount.
dwelling used by you or a member of
Other section 1250 property placed
Note: If you did not itemize
your family at the time the mortgage
in service after 1998 that is
deductions and you had investment
was taken out. See section 56(e)(3).
depreciated for the regular tax using
interest expense, do not enter an
the straight line method.
A qualified dwelling is any house,
amount on line 7 unless you reported
Property (other than section 1250
apartment, condominium, or mobile
investment interest expense on
property) placed in service after 1998
home not used on a transient basis.
Schedule E. If you did, follow the
that is depreciated for the regular tax
steps above for completing Form
Line 6—Refund of Taxes
using the 150% declining balance
4952. Allocate the investment interest
method or the straight line method.
Include any refund from line 10 of
expense allowed on line 8 of the AMT
Property for which you elected to
Form 1040 that is attributable to state
Form 4952 in the same way you did
use the alternative depreciation
or local income taxes deducted after
for the regular tax. Enter on line 7 the
system (ADS) of section 168(g) for
difference between the amount
the regular tax.
allowed on Schedule E for the regular
Also include any refunds received
Property that is qualified property
tax and the amount allowed on
in 2001 and included in income on
under section 168(k)(2) (property
Schedule E for the AMT.
Form 1040, line 21, that are
eligible for the special depreciation
attributable to state or local personal
allowance). The special allowance is
Line 8—Post-1986
property taxes, foreign income taxes,
deductible for the AMT, and there
or state, local, or foreign real property
also is no adjustment required for any
This section describes when
taxes deducted after 1986. If you
depreciation figured on the remaining
depreciation must be refigured for the
include such amounts, you must
basis of the qualified property.
AMT and how to figure the amount to
write a description and the amount
Property for which an election is in
enter on line 8.
next to the entry space for line 6. For
effect under section 168(k)(2)(C)(iii)
example, if you include a refund of
Do not use line 8 for depreciation
to not have the special allowance
real property taxes, write “real
related to the following.
apply is not qualified property. See
property” and the amount next to the
Employee business expenses
the Instructions for Form 4562 for the
entry space.
claimed on line 20 of Schedule A
definition of qualified property.
(Form 1040). Take this adjustment
Any part of the cost of any property
Line 7—Investment Interest
into account on line 5.
for which you made the election
If you completed Form 4952,
Passive activities. Take this
under section 179 to treat the cost of
Investment Interest Expense
adjustment into account on line 11.
the property as a deductible expense.
Deduction, figure your AMT
An activity for which you are not at
The reduction to the depreciable
investment interest expense on
risk or income or loss from a
basis of section 179 property by the
another Form 4952 as follows.
partnership or an S corporation if the
amount of the section 179 expense


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