Instructions For Form 6251 - Alternative Minimum Tax-Individuals - 2001


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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 6251
(Rev. April 2002)
Alternative Minimum Tax—Individuals
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.
credit, the nonconventional source
amount on line 21. Also, write “RPI”
General Instructions
fuel credit, or the credit for prior year
on the dotted line next to line 23.
minimum tax, or
Otherwise, do not change line 23.
The total of lines 7 through 14 is
Changes To Note
Note: If you are filing Form 1040NR,
negative and line 24 would exceed
An 8% capital gains tax rate
treat any reference in these
line 27 if you did not take lines 7
applies to qualified 5-year gain that
instructions or on Form 6251 to a line
through 14 into account.
would otherwise be taxed at 10%.
on Form 1040 as a reference to the
corresponding line on Form 1040NR.
The alternative minimum tax (AMT)
exemption amounts have been
For the AMT, certain items of income,
Credit for Prior Year
deductions, etc., receive different tax
The Job Creation and Worker
treatment than for the regular tax.
Minimum Tax
Assistance Act of 2002 (the “Act”)
Therefore, you need to refigure items
allows a special depreciation
See Form 8801, Credit for Prior Year
for the AMT that you figured for the
allowance for qualified property
Minimum Tax —Individuals, Estates,
regular tax. In some cases, you may
placed in service after September 10,
and Trusts, if you paid AMT for 2000
wish to do this by completing the
2001. No AMT adjustment is required
or you had a minimum tax credit
applicable tax form a second time. If
for any property that qualifies for the
carryforward on your 2000 Form
you do complete another form, do
special allowance. See What
8801. If you pay AMT for 2001, you
not attach it to your tax return (except
Depreciation Is Not Refigured for
may be able to take a credit on Form
for Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit —
the AMT? on page 2.
8801 for 2002.
see the instructions for line 25 on
Under the Act, your 2001
page 7), but keep it for your records.
alternative tax net operating loss
Optional Write-Off for
deduction (ATNOLD) is generally
For the regular tax, some
limited to your alternative minimum
Certain Expenditures
deductions and credits may result in
taxable income (figured without
carrybacks or carryforwards to other
regard to the ATNOLD). For details
There is no AMT adjustment for the
tax years. Examples are investment
and exceptions, see the instructions
following items if you elect for the
interest expense, a net operating
for line 20 on page 6.
regular tax to deduct them ratably
loss, a capital loss, and the foreign
over the period of time shown.
tax credit. Because you may have to
Note: As a result of the two changes
Circulation expenditures —3 years
made by the Act, these 2001
refigure these items for the AMT, the
(section 173).
carryback or carryforward amount
Instructions for Form 6251 have been
Research and experimental
revised. No changes have been
may be different for the AMT than for
expenditures —10 years (section
the regular tax. Therefore, you must
made to the 2001 Form 6251. If either
change made by the Act affects your
keep records of these different
2001 AMT liability and you already
Mining exploration and
filed your tax return, you must file an
development costs —10 years
amended return.
(sections 616(a) and 617(a)).
Partners and
Intangible drilling costs —60
Purpose of Form
months (section 263(c)).
The tax laws give special treatment to
If you are a partner in a partnership
See section 59(e) for more details.
some types of income, allow special
or a shareholder in an S corporation,
deductions for some types of
see Schedule K-1 and its instructions
expenses, and allow credits to certain
to figure your adjustments or
Specific Instructions
taxpayers. These laws enable some
preferences from the partnership or S
taxpayers with substantial economic
corporation to include on Form 6251.
Your regular tax may be
income to significantly reduce their
smaller if you claim a standard
regular tax. The AMT ensures that
Nonresident Aliens
deduction on Form 1040
these taxpayers pay at least a
instead of itemizing deductions.
If you are a nonresident alien and you
minimum amount of tax. Use Form
However, if you owe AMT, the
disposed of U.S. real property
6251 to figure the amount, if any, of
amount of your total tax (regular tax
interests at a gain, you must make a
your AMT and to figure any credit
plus AMT) may be smaller if you
special computation. Fill in Form
limitations (see below).
itemize your deductions on both Form
6251 through line 23. If your net gain
1040 and Form 6251. You may not
from the disposition of U.S. real
Who Must File
use the standard deduction to
property interests and the amount on
Attach Form 6251 to your return if:
complete Form 1040 and also use
line 21 are both greater than the
Line 24 is greater than line 27,
itemized deductions to complete
tentative amount you figured for line
Form 6251.
You claim any general business
23, replace the amount on line 23
credit, the qualified electric vehicle
with the smaller of that net gain or the
Cat. No. 64277P


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